5 Games For Rainy Days – Parenthood

5 games for rainy days

Few things challenge so much   the imagination and creativity of parents only on rainy days. Truly, these gray days are an assessment of your abilities as a parent.

From the start, you have to give up visits to the park, games in the garden and trips to the zoo. Your mission will be to redouble your ingenuity to find what to do with this child who walks around the house complaining about his boredom.

Don’t panic: we have 5 rainy day games that can save you some hassle and help you have a great time with your little ones.

5 rainy day games to have fun at home

First of all, video games are an option that comes to mind instantly when it comes to games for rainy days. However, since this is a fallback that not everyone has access to, we’ll be leaving it out of this list.

If you have the chance, of course, that’s a great possibility. In any case, consider that you must establish limits and deadlines for your children.

On the other hand, something similar is happening with board games. They are very effective in encouraging interactions and games between friends and family.

However, we might suggest alternatives that not everyone has at home. Indeed, as in the case mentioned previously, we will leave this option aside.

1. The treasure map

A game that the little ones love. One of the participants (if they cannot, do it yourself) should draw a map of the house and indicate the route to the hidden treasure. You can use an item or a bag with coins as treasure.

Each person can take turns looking for the treasure, or you can all go on an adventure together. At the end of the game, whoever has found the most treasures wins.

To make it more fun, you can add a costume or at least an eye patch to the captain of the pirate ship, which will hide the treasure.

2. Guess objects

Here is a great alternative for group play. You need to place in a bag or basket as many items as you can (which do not hurt).

games for rainy days

Then a player will be blindfolded. In a minute, he will have to guess the contents of the bag. The player with the most items wins.

3. Pictionary

Classic, but no less effective. For this game, which targets older children, you will need at least four participants, a board, and something to write on.

You should make a list of movies, TV shows, or characters and write them on different pieces of paper. Then divide the players into pairs or groups.

A player has to take a piece of paper and draw what is written on it. The other participant has to guess what this represents in a certain period of time. The team that guesses the most words wins.

4. Who am I?

Another of the best known. Place the names of famous people on pieces of paper. Then each player must draw one and place it on their forehead. Thanks to the questions you ask others, you will gather information to guess who it is.

It is important that the questions are “yes / no” answers, so that everyone is looking for the information they need. As with Pictionary, it is a game that targets children of a certain age.

An equally fun (and more inclusive for young children) variation is to do this with actions. That is, instead of characters, you have to write an action like “walk your dog”. Whoever draws this paper should act out this action and the others will have to guess.

games for rainy days

5. Build a makeshift camp

With the help of sheets, chairs, and whatever house items you find available, you can play at pitching tents and building a makeshift camp.

You can include snacks, storytelling, and activities that are characteristic of these outings, but at home.

This activity also has a double function: it entertains and at the same time educates the children on what is necessary for a day of survival in the field.

There are a lot of other options. You also have the option of doing fashion shows, singing and dancing competitions or playing fun games with cards. It will all depend on the space you have available, the elements and the preferences of the children.

The important thing is to make sure that you have enough games for rainy days to turn them into fun days. With a little enthusiasm and dedication to your children, you will surely have a good time.

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