5 Tips To Lower Children’s Fever – You Are Mom

5 tips to lower children's fever

Knowing how to bring down a fever is very important for parents. An uncontrolled febrile episode can lead to seizures. If the child has a chronic illness, the risk is greater. Above the threshold of 37.8 ° C, we must alert ourselves.

A fever in itself is a symptom that tells us that something is not working properly. Usually, this occurs in reaction to the presence of a virus or an external infection that is in the body of our child.

The good news is that there are a number of ways to prevent the temperature from rising too much. In this article, we give you some practical, safe and natural tips that you will find very useful.

Methods to lower children’s fever

Place cold water compresses

When the temperature rises too much,  it must first be lowered. One of the tips that our grandmothers taught us is to cool down with compresses or damp cloths.

They should be damp and preferably cold,  but not too much. We will thus fight the discomfort caused by fever in children and we will relieve their migraines.

In addition, one can also alternate and place the compress or the tissue in the neck and on the wrists of the child. The feeling of refreshment will thus be better.

Lukewarm water bath

Many mothers are afraid to bathe their child when they have a fever. In reality, this is not contraindicated. In fact, a bath can  lower fever in children or even babies. Of course, it is necessary to follow a few rules.

Thus, the water should be  lukewarm or at 34 ° C maximum. The bath can also be a shower. However, it is more effective to immerse children to lower the fever.

A child in bed with fever

It should be remembered that it is  important to avoid sudden changes in temperature in the child. Thus, before and especially after bathing and contact with water, the child must be well covered.

Liquid diets help overcome any feverish episode

Whether it is to fight off a virus or an infection, consuming fluids is the best way to improve your child. We must remember that with fever,  we lose a significant amount of perspiration and fluids. The consequence can be dehydration in the child, with the risk that this implies.

Children should therefore drink plenty of water, soup and natural juices. In addition, the consumption of fluids will also have a cooling effect on the child’s organism.

Water is “in practice” an internal regulator of our organism. It contributes with the immune system to fitness and to the fight against viruses. We find in this vital liquid the key to any recovery.

Lower fever in children: also cool the place

It is often believed that improvement will come only through the steps we take to refresh the child’s body. In fact, cooling the place also plays an important role in lowering the fever.

When the child has a fever, we need to cool the room. There should be a draft and the child should be well covered. This will provide a more pleasant thermal sensation for the child.

If, on the contrary, the room is hot, it will only make matters worse. Indeed, the internal temperature of the child could increase.

A girl with a thermometer in her mouth

Switch between sleep and movement

It is important to try to follow the most natural pattern of life possible during the feverish episode. Whether in children or adults,  sleep is a body’s recovery mechanism. Therefore, we must always create the best conditions for our child to sleep.

For example, the movement is very positive to prevent children from remaining completely inactive. Exercise will help them sleep.

When the fever exceeds 40 ° C, it is essential to go to the emergency room. If the fever is less, it will suffice to refresh, hydrate and provide rest to our children.

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