7 Exercises To Correct Language Delay In Children – You Are Parents

7 exercises to correct language delay in children

If a child has language delays, it is essential that they be taken care of by a language professional. In addition, one can also work on language stimulation at home every day. If your child has a slight language delay or doesn’t have it but you want them to improve it, don’t miss these exercises that you can start now.

Exercises to improve children’s language

1. Cards

Cards can be a great help for children to learn sounds they cannot pronounce correctly. It is best to convert this exercise into a game and reward the child when he correctly pronounces the sounds indicated on the cards.

This will not only make the game more attractive to the child but also motivate him to pronounce the words correctly.

Language delay in children

2. Exercises with a mirror

Children with joint problems find it difficult to pronounce words and sounds. This is due to his inability to make the correct movement with his mouth to produce the correct sound.

The mirror exercise is one of the most useful language exercises for children who need to solve these types of problems.

You can show your child the correct mouth movement and associated sound as  they repeat it in front of a mirror. He will thus know how to form the words which are more difficult for him.

3. Repetitions

Among all the language exercises for preschoolers, repeating words over and over again can prove to be tiring for parents and even very boring for children. Although repetition is very important for children to quickly improve their language. When you repeat the words to your children, you will need to do it slowly and simply so that they can hear them and recognize all the phonemes. 

4. The frog’s jump

Next, the frog jump is a simple and fun exercise to improve language. It consists of repeating a word at least six times in a row. For the exercise, we need to scatter paper in the room on which will be written the words that you want your child to reinforce.

Your son will have to jump from paper to paper and when he takes a piece of paper he will have to read (with or without help) the word written on it. So that the exercise is not too strenuous, he will only be made to do six jumps so that he will pronounce six words. 

Language delay in children

5. Talk to children

Children’s language skills are more likely to develop quickly if parents and the family around them speak with them and promote good verbal communication. If those around him often talk to him,  the child has the opportunity to hear new words, to learn them and will be able to communicate correctly. 

6. Promote language

Talking regularly with a child is the best way to successfully develop their language and speaking skills. Another way to do this is to say the name of the object that the child wants, to encourage him to say the word to get it.

To promote language in toddlers, the ideal is to give them only what they ask if they say the right word and not just by speaking with their hands. This will motivate the child to look for a way to use speech and get what he wants.

7. Read fairy tales to children

Finally, reading fairy tales to your children is highly recommended for stimulating language in toddlers. In addition to promoting the emotional bond between parents and children, we will work on new vocabulary. Children will learn to structure their sentences better and to pronounce words that are difficult for them. In addition,  storytelling will help them stimulate their creativity and imagination.

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