7 Habits Of Highly Creative Schools – Parenthood

7 habits of highly creative schools

Many educational trends today highlight the obsolescence of the current system. The idea of ​​sitting students for hours and having them as simple receivers of information seems inappropriate and ineffective to them. We will see in this article the habits of highly creative schools that pursue this goal.

The latest theories emphasize the value of creative, critical, collaborative and motivating learning. Today’s education specialists argue that educational priorities must adjust to the needs that tomorrow’s society will impose on students.

These needs, like the world in general over the past decade, have changed dramatically. It is said that, in a short time, the capacities of creation, critical analysis and enterprise, among others, will equal or even exceed the technical knowledge proper.

7 habits of highly creative schools

In response to what we mentioned earlier, there are schools that have proposed to change the paradigm. So, they put in place simple actions, most of which are daily. They bring about an important change in the students.

Here are the habits of highly creative schools that deserve to be exposed:

  1. Celebrate and reward collective successes

    The world still needs teamwork. In addition, it has been proven that students learn more in groups than alone. 

    Therefore, encouraging and rewarding good results obtained from a collaboration is an excellent step in contributing to this goal.

  2. Do not focus on specialization

    Instead of dividing learning into rigid zones, these schools combine the different fields. This is called “interdisciplinarity”. Projects that encompass several subjects are a very promising strategy in this direction.

    Students work as a team

  3. Encourage risk taking and value failure

    Arguing the child or youth over unintended results is not beneficial. On the contrary,  failure is very important for learning  from failure and perfecting what is needed.

    Often, this learning does not happen since most parents are afraid of damaging their child’s confidence or self-esteem. Therefore, they do not report their errors as they should. This is even worse. Many do not allow them to be wrong because they are helping them too much.

    These types of schools are aware of the importance of trial and error. It is for this reason, that instead of avoiding any type of risk or error,  its participants are free in their creativity. If something goes wrong, we correct and learn from it.

  4. Make sure that students are not passive consumers

    This is one of the goals of highly creative schools that seek the opposite of this passive behavior. Having students sit down and be bombarded with information, numbers and lessons is not the best way to learn.

    Instead of this vertical transfer, modern schools try to construct knowledge from research. Activities should preferably be collective and proactive. We can cite the terms “learning by doing” (LBD  ) and “ learning by doing  ” (APB).

  5. Possess intrinsic incentives for learning

    Traditional education has a somewhat “primitive” method of rewarding good results. Indeed, they have not changed since its inception. Notes, congratulations and scholarships.

    This new school model, on the other hand,  contributes to the learning  that emanates from the student’s own motivation. In other words, there is a genuine interest in knowing, improving, creating and discovering.

  6. Stimulate creative materials

    Subjects such as art, music, drawing or literature are gaining more and more space in renowned establishments around the world. In reality, they get them back. Indeed, mathematics, philosophy and science have been more present than these subjects for several decades.

    The benefits of activities that require visual thinking are many. Among other things, they improve attention, concentration, memorization. In addition, they considerably develop the capacity for expression.

    Group work

  7. Provide the necessary environment to stimulate the imagination

    Like the capacity of teachers and working in groups with other students,  students are more productive  when the environment allows them. So, instead of closed classrooms with only artificial light, we have to create open, ventilated, happy places.

    For this, we can involve the students in this decoration process. It will be a great exercise for their imagination and for their creativity. In addition, they will have the advantage of being able to adapt the place to their tastes – within reason.

    The habits of highly creative schools have shown very good results so far. Without a doubt, it is a question of measures which, little by little, will become more frequent. Who knows, it may be that tomorrow they will become the norm when it comes to educational models.

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