Simple Games For The Development Of A 3 Year Old Child – Parenthood

Simple games for the development of a 3 year old child

Here we show you how to get the most out of some simple games to encourage your child’s intellectual development.

It is important to know that the development of a child has several stages. We will focus here on that of a 3-year-old child. At this age children start to develop a certain creativity, that is to say they start to think about what they are doing and to think about what they want to achieve.

The child will begin to become aware of the sense of touch around the age of 3. This is why it is ideal to use simple games that will reinforce the new skills he is learning.

The best games we can play with our children will be precisely those that encourage their creativity or even those that require a little thought. Now that that is said let’s see what simple games, besides entertaining them, promote a good education.


Puzzles are an amazing way to pass the time while having fun. The perfect age to introduce our children to the joys of puzzles is perfect for a 3 year old. They should be very simple so that the child does not get frustrated. This activity develops their ability to reason, recognize shapes and memorize.

It is recommended that they have a minimum sheet size and that it not have more than 10 pieces. If it’s bigger it’s not very important. Otherwise your child would be unable to visualize the image he must form. Finally, the puzzle should contain vivid images and well-drawn and completed drawings.

You can buy jigsaw puzzles at toy stores or you can create them in your own home. You can draw or print any design we like on a sheet. Creating a puzzle with a picture of you or one of his favorite games is a way to surprise him and make him want to play.

If this is the first puzzle that your child is going to do, the ideal is that you do it with him so that he understands what the game is. Once he has finished it you will have to stimulate him so that he understands what the game is about. he does it alone.

simple games


As you have seen, touch is one of the senses that children use the most at this age to know new objects. Handicrafts also help to strengthen the creative spirit they have at this age.

First of all, if you are going to do manual labor in your house, consider moving to a closed place. It is important that you are aware that your child is likely to get dirty entirely. Some parents opt to dedicate a particular place in the house to indulge in this activity.

We must also take into account the fact that children put everything in their mouths. We will therefore have to be present and attentive when the child is “inspired”. There are 100% natural paints that we can buy when our child is prone to biting or sucking on toys.

Finally, the ideal is to use “water-based paint” so as not to have any problem with children’s clothes. This is in order not to tear the hair out of his head when you see the new patterns on his pants.

What manual work can I do?

Modeling clay

Children love its touch, its colors, its elasticity and its infinite shapes. It is without a doubt the age of plasticine. This material will be one of his favorite games for a period.

When we buy plasticine we notice that there are an infinite number of sizes, colors or even tools to manipulate it. There are molds and knives for making shapes, stamps. They are used to print above drawings or instructions to encourage them to recreate objects . The ideal is to make a small kit so that the child can discover all the possibilities.

simple games

Decorate your own clothes

As there are paints which are designed not to stain clothes there are also paints which can remain. A really fun idea is to buy a white shirt and use this type of paint. We can perfectly let the child draw the design he wants on a piece of paper and then help him to format it on the shirt.

The child will feel very proud of his new creation. You can do this activity for a carnival where the child can put it on to go out on the street.

Simple games made from recycled objects and plastic utensils

By recycling we teach our 3 year old child to take care of the environment. We can teach him that we can reuse all the objects by turning them into toys. There are no limits to creativity but here we give you some ideas to understand the idea:

  • Who does not know the famous telephone made up of 2 plastic glasses joined by a wire? We can make one and show our child how we played with it as a child.
  • The maracas. You will just need to glue two glasses filled with rice together. It is also possible to decorate to your taste to personalize your maracas. You can also make a maracas by decorating a bottle and filling it with grains of rice or sand.
  • We can also make us a wig. Cut a plastic bag into smaller pieces, taking care to keep a strip that will join them.

    Keeping your child entertained at home is very easy. Remember that it is your imagination that will make the difference on a daily basis.

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