Do Your Children Fight Non-stop? Try These Educational Tools – Parenthood

Are your children fighting non-stop?  Try these educational tools

Healthy sibling relationships require authority and thoughtful care,  even when things are going well. Fraternal tensions can sometimes take on unpleasant proportions and educational tools then become necessary.

Some educational tools

These discipline tools are easy to use and can help children get along better, as well as relieve tension around the home. These are resources that you can use whenever you want.

Create a family jar

Tensions between siblings often occur when children compete for attention from their parents or other needs. Thanks to the family jar, the children work together towards a common goal.

An angry brother and sister in a field.

First, you need to start by setting goals for them (sharing, using kind words, being respectful, offering to help, etc.) and then offer them a family reward. For example, have a pizza night, watch a movie of their choice with the family, or have a double dessert.

Whenever you observe a child demonstrating objective behavior,  praise them and put a marble in the family jar. Encourage your children to “inform” you of good sibling behavior. But don’t let them report bad behavior, otherwise it will turn into a war at home.

When children start to fight, instead of scolding them, remind them that the goal is to be kind in order to earn a reward.

Then when the jar is full, all the children receive a reward. Even if it takes several days and you have to repeat things, children  will soon find that they benefit more from being nice than from fighting.

Use a timer, one of the educational tools

Often, children seem to want to play with the same toy at the same time. While it can be frustrating, it is also a great learning time.

Explain that everyone can use the family’s toys, and that you need to be respectful and take turns playing. Then use a timer to make sure that each child spends the same amount of time with the toy in question.

Indeed, a stopwatch helps keep everyone on track, including parents. In addition,  children can eventually learn to take turns on their own. Visual timers, like hourglasses, work best with little ones who don’t yet know the numbers.

Promote self-defense through internal dialogue, one of the best tools of discipline

When children start to fight, parents usually step in to resolve conflicts. Although this approach ends the argument, it does not teach children to deal with the problem. And the next time he reappears, there’s a good chance they’ll end up fighting again.

It can therefore be much more useful to guide children on how to deal with disagreements with internal dialogue. In this sense, an adult gives suggestions to the child on how to handle a situation “by thinking aloud” to himself.

For example, if your daughter complains because she wants to use her brother’s markers, tell her,  “If you want the marker, ask your brother ‘Can you leave me the yellow marker please?’”. Don’t speak for him. This will limit fights between siblings.

Two angry children sulking.

The direct instruction  “If you want the marker, just ask for it” often ends in arguments. In contrast, internal dialogue offers an idea, but  also allows your child to decide whether or not to use it.

Encourage daily physical activity

To help ease tension, make sure children get a healthy dose of physical activity every day. Besides the fact that exercise is essential for your child’s body, it also helps relieve tension while improving mood. You must therefore ensure that your little ones burn enough energy every day.

Maintain a daily routine

Even though being locked up at home can make the days feel long and boring, unfortunately it is not a vacation. You’re probably tired of hearing it, but to help kids get the best of their day,  it’s best to set up a daily schedule or routine.

Therefore, you need to make sure that they eat healthy foods at regular times. It is also essential that they follow a sleep routine. These rituals actually help the body feel healthy. An essential component of good humor. Everyone is naturally more cranky when they are tired and hungry.

We hope that these educational tools will be easy to use in your family. And that you will see positive results quickly on the behavior of your children.

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