Breastfeeding Improves Brain Development In Babies – You Are Mom

In their first few years of life, babies experience rapid cognitive growth. Therefore, there is great interest in determining which events that take place during this first stage influence the evolution and maturation of the brain. In addition, there is evidence that breastfeeding improves brain development from the early years.

We know that parental care and attention is key. So much so that their lack can lead to serious deficits and alterations.

On the other hand, it is important to stress that not all women are able or willing to breastfeed their babies. It is a personal decision and valid in all cases. Every personal situation is different and multiple factors come into play in each case. However, if you are considering breastfeeding your baby, you might be interested in finding out what positive effects it can have on their development.

The importance of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding improves brain development in babies.

Breast milk is the optimal food for babies. From a nutritional point of view, it contains all the contributions necessary for adequate growth. In addition, it strengthens the immune system of the newborn baby, protecting it against various diseases and ailments.

For this reason, the pediatricians and international organizations recommend feeding the baby by breastfeeding exclusively for at least six months. Then, it is advisable that breastfeeding is associated with complementary feeding, at least up to two years.

In addition, breastfeeding also offers important emotional benefits, both for the baby and for the mother. Indeed, the establishment of the bond of attachment is favored. And covers the needs of affection and safety of the newborn baby after its arrival in the world.

Additionally, we know that breastfeeding improves brain development in babies. This effectively results in better cognitive performance in infants who are breastfed.

How Does Breast Milk Support Brain Development?

A study from Brown University has shown that breastfeeding improves brain development in babies. These interesting findings were obtained after observing the brains of 133 children aged 10 months to four years using an MRI.

The infants were classified according to the type of feeding they were receiving (exclusive breastfeeding, formula or mixed breastfeeding). And the results showed statistically significant differences in this regard.

Research found that babies who had been exclusively breastfed had greater brain development compared to the other two groups. Specifically, these children showed superior growth of myelinated white matter of between 20 and 30%.

Myelin is a substance that covers the nerve fibers of neurons and promotes the transmission of electrical impulses. In other words: it improves good neural communication.

Thus, by the age of two, there was already a substantial difference in the volume of cerebral white matter in favor of breast-fed infants. Specifically, the brains of these infants showed improved development in key areas such as language, cognition, and emotional function.

Mother breastfeeding her baby.

The fact of having been exclusively breastfed for only three months already offered an advantage to the children. However, the longer the breastfeeding period, the greater the improvements in brain development. Additionally, babies who were breastfed also performed better than those who received only formula.

The need to maintain breastfeeding for good brain development

This recent study corroborates and expands on the well-known benefits of breastfeeding. In addition, she shows us how partial or prolonged breastfeeding for a short time also has a positive impact on babies. For this reason, it is essential that mothers receive the necessary medical and social support to breastfeed their infants.

Social pressure, external judgment and difficulties lead many women to give up breastfeeding early on. Or abandon it sooner than they would have liked. Therefore, if you are trying to implement or continue breastfeeding, we encourage you to seek out counselors, support groups as well as knowledgeable professionals to guide you in achieving this very positive goal for your development. baby.

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