4 Foods To Boost Children’s Immune Systems – You Are Mom

4 foods to boost children's immune systems

Strengthening the immune system of children is one of the goals of diet. With a good supply of nutrients, the differentiation of white series cells is improved, which helps to increase defenses. In this way, the incidence of viral processes is reduced during the winter seasons.

To achieve this goal, in addition to improving the quality of food, it will be necessary to promote the practice of physical activity. Good lifestyle habits will allow you to obtain optimal results. Therefore, we will start by telling you which foods you can include in your diet to improve children’s immune systems.

Foods to strengthen the immune system

It is not only a question of including the following products in the diet, but it is also necessary to ensure that it is balanced and varied.

Baby eats yogurt to strengthen the immune system.


Fermented dairy products are edible and have a number of beneficial properties for health. First of all, they contain proteins of high biological value and minerals such as calcium. In addition, they provide probiotics, bacteria that affect the functioning of the immune system.

According to a study published in the journal Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins , the inclusion of probiotics in the diet generates an increase in the biodiversity of the microbiota. Thus, the permeability of the intestinal barrier is reduced, causing less harmful microorganisms and toxic compounds to reach the circulation.

Red meat

Despite its bad reputation in recent years, red meat can still be considered a healthy food. Of course, it is essential to avoid subjecting it to aggressive cooking processes such as frying or grilling. Otherwise, trans fatty acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons will be generated, which may be harmful to health.

Red meat contains, in addition to protein, significant amounts of zinc. This mineral is important for ensuring cell differentiation of the elements that are part of the immune system. This is confirmed by research published in the journal Nutrients .

In contrast, a zinc deficiency leads to defects in testosterone production in humans, which poses developmental problems. Despite everything, the consumption of red meat should be moderate. It is always recommended to focus on eating fish over this.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are foods that are used, among other things, to strengthen the immune system of children. They are distinguished by the presence of proteins inside, but also omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients are able to modulate inflammatory states in the body, thus increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the systems.

They are also a good source of zinc and other minerals involved in many important physiological reactions.


Vitamin C is another of the nutrients that has proven to be of decisive importance in strengthening the immune system. This nutrient is mainly found in peppers, although it has traditionally been linked primarily to citrus fruits.

Not only is it helpful to improve the efficiency of this system, but it is also responsible for promoting collagen synthesis. It can even act as an antioxidant, neutralizing the formation of free radicals. In this way, the risk of developing complex pathologies in the medium and long term is also reduced.

Child with a red pepper in the kitchen.

Strawberries, kiwi, and certain root vegetables, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, are other foods that contain high doses of vitamin C.

Diet can boost children’s immune systems

One of the pillars of healthy eating is variety. By including, in this context, foods intended to strengthen the immune system of children, it will be possible to improve the functioning of the defenses. Thus, they will be less likely to develop viral processes during the cold season.

It should also be taken into account that supplementation can be used to meet the needs of certain nutrients. In any case, it must be recommended and prescribed by a professional who indicates the optimal dosage, as well as the ideal products.

Finally, we must not forget that physical activity is essential to improve the functioning of the immune system. Likewise, promoting good rest is crucial, especially during the first years of life. Thus, better development will also be achieved.

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