Positive Discipline To Educate Happy Children – Parenthood

Positive discipline to educate happy children

Positive discipline is characterized by the use of standards that guide, but do not stifle. In that sense, it is a whole different method from the authoritarian parenting methods that have been used for decades. Below, we explain the importance of educating happy children and the best method for doing so.

These days, unfortunately, it is very common to see parents who are too demanding. Often, they do not realize the pressures that their children feel with their impositions, which do not always have a solid foundation.

What you should be looking for is the exact opposite. Limits and obligations are useful. At present, we all have to adapt to certain requirements and obligations for the simple fact of living in society. However, it is important to choose carefully how to transmit them. This is why we need to apply strategies of positive discipline that allow the child to get the best of himself without feeling overworked.

Consequences of hyper-demands on children

If we overstep the mark on demands, we will do a lot of harm to children. Also, to some extent, we will limit their ability to take advantage of such a wonderful and opportunity-filled stage. Excessive or incorrectly imposed requirements can lead to problems such as:

  • Dependence and inability to make own decisions.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Irritability, anxiety and aggressiveness.
  • Emotional repression.
  • Fear of making mistakes and taking risks.

How to implement positive discipline?

There are some basic guidelines that we can take into account when promoting responsibility in our children. Here are a few :

1. Establish a routine

Although many hate it, routine helps us put our lives in order. In this way, our mind, as well as our entire organism, is “programmed” to perform functions at specific times.

A child who is being punished.

This simple custom allows us to free up space for more important matters. This way, instead of thinking every day about what is going to happen today, children will already have an idea of ​​the tasks and activities to be accomplished during the day.

In addition, it will allow them to know their responsibilities in each situation. For example, they will know that after dinner they will have to go to bed.

2. Make time for them

Strengthening the bonds between parents and children is fundamental for many reasons. First, they will achieve greater emotional balance. This will translate in this case into greater motivation, tranquility and perseverance to achieve their goals.

Likewise, they will also see a supportive figure in their parents, who want only the best for them. If instead of being bossy, we explain the reasons for our requests, it is possible that they act with a better frame of mind.

To achieve this, it is essential to give them the necessary attention: reading the evening story, being aware of their activities, playing with them in their free time and remaining open to dialogue are simple but basic actions.

3. Recognize their achievements and progress

An important part of positive discipline is praising children when they are doing the right thing. While some might say that “it is their obligation” to do homework, it is true that we too like to be recognized for our efforts. Even so, we are working for money.

Giving a child a deserved recognition and why not, a reward is essential. In this way, he will see that his actions are recognized as well as his capacities.

4. Limiting Expectations: The Key to Positive Discipline

If there is anything totally against positive discipline, it is pretending that the child is the best at everything. If we add to that the fact of registering for each of the activities that we find, it will be exaggerated.

First of all, don’t try to make the child stand out from the crowd. In reality, the idea is that he achieves the best version of himself. Let him give everything according to his abilities.

Then there is no point in forcing them to do thousands of extracurricular activities. Most may not appeal to them and what is more, in some cases, these are sometimes activities that are difficult for them to perform.

So to speak, try to do just the opposite. Positive discipline has to do with improving their abilities for the things they are passionate about. The best is therefore that he chooses which sport to practice, which language to learn or which instrument to play.

A mother and her daughter arguing.

5. Don’t become permissive

With all of the above, it may seem like you need to be open and permissive. To tell the truth, it is not wise either. Regardless of the child, he or she must learn that there are rules and requirements to follow. This is the case during childhood and it will be so throughout his life. Therefore, he must understand how to respect them from an early age, but without interpreting that their freedom is not constrained.

6. Positive discipline: it is also giving them the choice to participate

Instead of ordering her to do things “just because “, it is very positive that you give her the choice as much as possible. Thus, your requests will seem much more pleasant and respectful for him.

For example, instead of just saying “sit down and do your homework”, it makes more sense to ask “are we having a snack while you do your homework or are we going to take the bath first?” ? ”    You will see it will feel motivated as it acquires more” independence “and freedom in its decisions.

As you can see, positive discipline is perfectly applicable in everyday actions. Essentially, it’s about replacing imposition with persuasion. Of course, this should always be done while maintaining authority and boundaries in the home.

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