The Importance Of Childhood Attachment – Parenthood

The importance of infantile attachment

Childhood attachment has a fundamental role in education, and that is why it is so important. It is also important to know what attachment is and how it affects mental and emotional health.

What is infantile attachment?

Childhood attachment, and its importance, can be defined in many ways, and it is possible that we all can realize this when we face the experience of attachment. Attachment is felt, perceived and even identified.

Thus, it is essential to be objective and to define it as the relationship that we establish with the people with whom we build an emotional bond. Particularly with the first organizers of this link: mom, dad and close family.

The importance of infantile attachment: why should we talk about it?

In addition to talking about attachment and its importance for good development, it is essential to practice it, as attachment is essential for building and strengthening a relationship. However, the benefits do not end there, but rather are seen over the course of life.

A mother and her baby

To build or not to build an attachment, that is the question?

There are clues that allow us to see when we are faced with a satisfying attachment, which is important for good development.

So are there different types of attachment?

Indeed, there are, and the Argentine Pediatric Society defines attachment as “the strong emotional bond that we feel for special people in our life. When we communicate with them, it makes us feel pleasure, joy and relief in stressful situations ”.

In addition, members of this Society note, on the question of how to support feelings of trust , the importance of “responding quickly to signals from the child, expressing positive emotions and treating the child with care. and attention ”. This helps build a sense of trust that his parents will take care of and protect him when he needs it.

Some additional data on the importance of infantile attachment

Thus, the Chilean Pediatric Society, SOCHIPE, attaches importance to the fact that attachments can be of the secure or insecure type. According to the same source of information, “secure-type attachments relate to healthy, happier children who grow up to be healthy adults, while anxious and disorganized type attachments are more related to developmental, mental health problems. child abuse and neglect. “

The relationship between attachment and breastfeeding

The relationship between attachment and breastfeeding has been sufficiently studied. It is therefore not necessary to recall these benefits. However, even if one uses a bottle with non-breast milk, an attachment can be created. This attachment is possible since there is a harmonious, empathetic and affective interaction, through eye, physical and emotional contact with the baby.

Infant attachment, mother and daughter

to summarize

  • Attachment is essential for the baby.

  • Psychoanalyst John Bowlby asserts that “there are different types of attachment depending on the trust and affect established between the child and his parents .” Thus, according to the professional cited, we can speak of four types of attachments : anxious, secure, ambivalent or resistance and disorganized or disoriented.

To conclude

There is an interest in promoting secure attachment, which is one that in some way ensures that the child feels loved and well cared for. Thus, as he grows up, he will come to develop a good conception of himself and of others. In addition, by maintaining this emotional relationship, it is possible to prevent future problems with physical and mental health.

Insecure attachment can occur in a child who has felt rejected by their parents, and especially when, for various reasons, they have not known or been able to be emotionally available to meet their children’s needs.

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