This Video Explains Why It Is Exhausting To Be A Full Time Mom – Parenthood

This video explains why it's exhausting being a full-time mom

However, and as you can see in this lovely video, being a full time mom can sometimes be a really exhausting task. We dedicate a large part of our time to other people during the 365 days of the year. And we sometimes forget ourselves.

On the other hand, we get no other compensation than a spiritual gift, and the satisfaction of doing what is best for our family. And of course, we do not gain any period of rest or vacation. When you say it like that, it seems like a job no one would apply for. However, many women dedicate themselves to it with dedication and with immense love.

This is why an American mother wanted to make this clip. She has filmed how difficult it can be to complete household chores with a baby at home. She wants to show the world that this is the most complicated job there is. Moms have known it since the dawn of time.

It is not easy to tidy up when you are surrounded by small children

Video shows how exhausting it is to be a full-time mom

Have you ever felt like the clothes you folded and put away with great care, magically tele-transported to another place in the house? Have you ever found that what you cleaned or put away suddenly returned to its original state?

These scenes so common to all mothers are perfectly exposed by this young woman. She fully understands these mysterious sensations and things that happen in every home where there is a child. She knows all this thanks to her 15 month old baby girl.

So, this lovely clip portrays all moms from head to toe. It shows how toys are constantly strewn around every corner. Even when you are tidying up at the same time, and you take the trouble to put them in their place.

The thing is, being a full-time mom isn’t easy, as you can see on Youtube. And even less if you do all the chores you have to do with that little person who undoes everything you do behind you. It is then that at the end of the day, you are asked “What have you been doing all day?”… And you are criticized uselessly.

The clip is a reminder of what it means to be a full-time mom

This excellent audiovisual clip, far from being an ode to the despair and stress many women can feel, sums up common maternity situations. This short one minute and twenty second video delighted viewers around the world.

Your children wear you out, but they are also a great happiness

The clip of this full-time mom already has more than 9,200,000 views. He has gone viral on social media for his way of explaining the vicissitudes that all women who begin the journey to full time motherhood go through.

However, it’s important to note that the clip doesn’t just focus on the difficulties of tidying up, cleaning the house, or doing other chores with a small child with you. In fact, it also shows the time that is absorbed by the length of all these tasks.

Did it ever happen to you to see your baby getting dirty in the playpen, and right after you gave him his bath you had to put him back in because he got dirty eating his porridge? All this, not to mention cleaning and tidying up at home after the baby has played or eaten.

Exhausted, but satisfied and happy

That’s right, no manual has warned us of these details. The video shows them unadorned. Mothers often wonder whether they are doing things right or wrong, we know that. But on top of that, being a full-time mom means giving your all and having a lot of patience. These things are included in the pack that comes with motherhood.

Maybe there are times when you feel tired, frustrated, and want to throw in the towel. However, there are also times when you understand that being a full time mom means being a mom with all of those titles. Nurse, cook, mistress, story reader, kitchen towel, etc.

There are days that are more difficult than others, of course. But with your smile you can always make it all right at home. For your children and for the family you have created. You continue to set limits, to take care of this grumpy child, because all is not rosy in childhood, when you accompany your little one.

During motherhood there are magical, sweet and pleasant moments. But there are also moments like the ones shown in this video on Youtube. Perhaps more frustrating, sad, or even unpleasant moments. But they are all a part of life, and you have to know how to deal with them. After all, we love our kids anyway, don’t we?

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