Hyperactivity In Young Children – Parenthood

Hyperactivity in young children

It is normal that children sometimes find it difficult to stay still and want to spend all their energy. However, even for them, there is a limit : when this energy could be endless, they may be suffering from ADHD, that is, attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity disorder.

However, hyperactivity in young children can be detected and treated. So, if you are a parent and you suspect your child has this disorder, it is good to know the subject and know how to help.

What is hyperactivity and what are the causes?

Hyperactivity in young children is not normal. It is a disorder diagnosed by doctors. Children who suffer from it have no control over themselves and they cannot concentrate or keep their attention on something because they are quickly agitated.

Warning: do not confuse agitation with hyperactivity. You can distinguish hyperactivity with these symptoms:

  • They are very messy children and they never find their things.
  • They have a problem listening to others and paying attention to them.
  • They always realize what they need to do with speed, which causes them to make mistakes.
  • Shouting is common and interrupts others or the teacher when they speak frequently.
  • They are impatient and when they have to take their turn they get frustrated and anxious. They also get bored easily.
  • Like real tornadoes, they run in all directions and fall a lot. Even during quiet moments, like during meals, they don’t stop moving.
  • Although they know it is wrong, they will do it anyway, because they feel it is the only way to end their boredom.

    Causes of hyperactivity in children

    Causes of hyperactivity in young children

    Hyperactivity in young children can be caused by several factors. One of them is ADHD and the cause of this disorder is that the brain takes time to process information. So when he has started something, he cannot stop. It is for this reason that these children are constantly on the move.

    Another reason children can be very agitated is anxiety disorder. This prevents them from concentrating.

    In addition, there are other pains that make children incredibly restless and prevent them from concentrating. For example, hearing problems and loss of balance due to hearing impairment. Another disorder (although very rare in children) and sensory level problems is hyperthyroidism.

    Detection of hyperactivity in young children

    To detect hyperactivity in young children, they should be taken to a doctor. Although there is no lab test or x-ray that detects Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, the doctor may perceive symptoms by asking the child questions and depending on what parents report of his behavior.

    After analysis, the doctor can make the diagnosis. It can determine if it is ADHD or another learning or health problem.

    How to treat it?

    If your child is hyperactive, it is important that you listen to them. Analyze the things that might be causing his agitation and create strategies that might help calm him down. For example, you can reward him or have him earn points every time he stands still.

    In case you took him to the doctor, he will most likely have prescribed medication to help him improve his brain capacity. This will help him calm down, concentrate and be much more patient.

    You can also consider taking her for therapy. With the help of a therapist, your child will channel their energy and control their emotions and feelings. In addition, he will have better self-control which will allow him to see what is really good and what is not.

    In addition, there is something more you can do for your child, which is to explain one thing carefully to him at a time so that he does not forget what you have said to him. Likewise, of course you have to give him your support and a lot of love.

    treat hyperactivity

    What can teachers do?

    At school, teachers can also help. Therefore, don’t forget to let the teachers who care for your child know so that they can help him too. Here’s what they can do:

    • They can give him tasks one by one so that they don’t lose their focus.
    • Help him and teach him to organize.
    • Keep the child away from doors and windows so that they are not easily distracted. If possible, he should be seated in front.
    • Allow the children to stand up and stretch for a while during class.

    Hyperactivity in children can be a big problem for parents. Nonetheless, if you give love to your children and follow these tips and professional recommendations, you can be a happy family.

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