15 Questions To Ask When Interviewing A Babysitter – Being Parents

15 questions to ask when interviewing a babysitter

You need to have absolute trust in the caregivers when you are away from home. Each family must choose a person who is trained, responsible, educated and adapted to the living conditions of the house.

To help you, we have selected questions below to ask when interviewing a babysitter.

This list of questions will guide you through the maintenance of a babysitter and making the necessary decisions.

The first thing you should consider when interviewing a babysitter is contact information and availability.

Of course, it is also necessary to know your hourly rate and to obtain two or three references of previous jobs.

To maintain a babysitter: what you need to know before hiring her

Regarding the experience

maintenance of a babysitter

  • How long have you been babysitting? Which age group do you have the most experience with or feel most comfortable with?
  • Have you worked (or studied) in a different profession that helps you take better care of children?
  • Do you have first aid training? Have you ever attended an early childhood care course or training? Would you be prepared to do it if necessary?

Regarding the tasks

  • How flexible is your schedule? How many children do you think you can take care of without a problem? (This is essential if you are planning family reunions or if you want to receive visits from friends or colleagues of their children).
  • What are your favorite activities with the children? Would you be willing to prepare a program of exercises and routines for the hours you are in charge?
  • Is there a task or a responsibility that you are unwilling to do?
  • Would you like to take short walks in places near the neighborhood? Could you prepare snacks and meals for the children? Do you have a problem with the care of the family pet?
  • How do you manage to comfort and discipline the children? Do you have experience in dealing with illnesses, inappropriate behavior and temper tantrums?
  • Would you feel comfortable if you had to accompany the children during the bedtime routine?

Regarding personality

  • What do you like most about working with children? What aspect do you find the most difficult when it comes to doing this?
  • What was your hardest or most painful moment in babysitting? What tools or strategies did you use to solve it?
  • Have you ever had a medical emergency while working? What did you do and what was the result?
  • What do you like to do in your spare time ?
  • Did you have any problems following any instructions or discipline instructions?
  • Would you feel comfortable incorporating specific family routines or beliefs into your work?

maintenance of a babysitter

Other aspects to take into account

  • If you’ve found someone who adapts to your family’s lifestyle and pace, you need to let them know. Do not forget to indicate if there are diets or if there are religious beliefs to be taken into account.
  • We should also talk about developmental conditions such as autism or attention deficit, if necessary. In order for the babysitter to take good care of the children, she must know their needs and specificities.
  • It is essential that you report if there is a medical provision or treatment that your children should be taking. Finally, don’t forget to tell the babysitter if the children are going through a difficult situation to take into account.
  • From the first moment, clarify your conditions in terms of availability, hours and money. This way you will avoid unnecessary processes. Ask for contact numbers or email addresses allowing you to validate their professional experience.
  • Before personally interviewing a babysitter, contact her by phone and check references. From the first feedback you get from these two points, you can make a more precise and efficient choice.

Take the time to contact several people and decide who your children will adapt to best. When you are not at home, the babysitter will be your eyes and the guardian of discipline.

This is why it is fundamental that there is a good relationship from the start.

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