How To Avoid Overprotection? – Being Parents

How to avoid overprotection?

Overprotection is a pitfall that threatens all parents. It develops naturally and sometimes even unconsciously. Parents tend to overprotect their children in one way or another. It may sound harmless, but sometimes overprotection takes on huge proportions. It can even cause unwanted effects in children.

The effort made by parents to take full care of their children is commendable. The little ones deserve it and need it. In addition, it is a parental responsibility. However, there comes a time when children need to take their independence and take responsibility. They should be able to understand and solve the majority of their problems on their own.

Teaching your children how to take care of themselves is the best gift you can give them. This is why we must at all costs avoid overprotecting them. While parental help is essential for children’s development, you cannot be there all the time. So they need to know how to get by without you.

Avoid overprotection, it’s possible

A little boy cooks with his mom

Avoid the trap of overprotection. Treat your children as capable beings who deserve to learn. Realizing that it is your job as a parent to teach them how to get by in life can make your role shine.

Do you find it difficult? Tell yourself that you are supporting them in this process. Seeing what independent people they have become will fill you with pride.

Giving certain responsibilities to your children is an essential step. Thus they understand the basics of community life and subsistence. In addition, it allows you to observe what they are capable of.

Once you are sure that your child can perform certain tasks safely, your fear will go away and with it your tendency to overprotect.

Overprotecting your children has consequences on their behavior and their development: shyness, difficulties in assuming their future responsibilities. Likewise, they could become people who cannot stand criticism or make mistakes and blame others.

Some recommendations to avoid overprotection

Teach your children the value of things

Some parents think that giving children whatever they want will make them happy. However, this is a common mistake.

One of the common manifestations of overprotection is giving in to all their whims. The latter prevents children from learning the value of the things they receive, since they do not have to make any effort to deserve them.

Help them deal with frustration

Often, overprotected children find it hard to accept their mistakes and hate not having what they want. If you’ve overprotected them, you’re going to have to start all over again.

Even if the beginnings are difficult, they must learn to deal with the feeling of failure. So you won’t have to rush to their aid all the time.

Give them a chance to learn on their own

Children are able to cope on their own under many circumstances. We may think that they are fragile and that they will not know how to react to such and such a situation.

Yet if you set a good example for them, they will come out victorious. Remember that they are capable of solving their problems on their own, so give them the chance to do so.

Empower them

No matter how high they are, children always do silly things, or mistakes they can use as examples to teach them that their actions have consequences.

Avoid solving their problems when they are directly responsible so that they understand that in the future no one will be there to help them.

Do activities together to teach them to fend for themselves

Manual activities are especially important for developing imagination and abilities.

Do not be afraid to let them discover the world, accompany them, observe their progress while taking care not to intervene at all times.

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