Functional Abdominal Pain In Children – You Are Parents

Functional abdominal pain in children

If your child often suffers from stomach pain and you cannot find any apparent cause for their discomfort, they may have functional abdominal pain.

They are called so because they are not caused by digestive disease or any other medical problem or clinical condition. However, they can harm the daily life of the child.

What are functional abdominal pain in children?

There is no absolute certainty as to the cause of this condition. However, it  is considered to be a dysfunction of the intestine and the nervous system, or even the immune system, in stressful situations or with hypersensitivity to pain.

Recurrent abdominal pain is defined as two or more episodes of abdominal pain. This spread over a period of 3 months  and which are important enough to interfere with normal activity.

Scient Direct has published data that says 10-15% of the school-age population suffers from it. In addition, its peak incidence is between 5 and 8 years, to reappear in adolescence.

How is functional abdominal pain in children diagnosed?

The diagnosis itself is complicated, since it is important to rule out any possible pathologies such as irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia or abdominal migraine, in addition to some type of food intolerance. In these cases, the children would need specific treatment.

It is necessary to investigate an event that may have caused stress, such as exams, moving house, death of a loved one, divorce of parents, etc., as it could affect his digestive system, irritate and cause more pain of varying severity.

functional abdominal pain

Signs to take into account

To begin with, the child will need to have a physical exam to determine their weight and general health. During abdominal palpation, it will be possible to determine whether there is tension, gas, inflammation, etc.

On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind some signs that the pain is not functional, but could be caused by an illness. It is important to discuss these signs with the pediatrician:

  • A fever with no apparent cause
  • The weight loss
  • An injury to the anus
  • Stools with traces of blood
  • Frequent diarrhea
  • Alteration in its growth
  • Abdominal pain on the right side
  • Of vomiting persistent
  • A family history of any intestinal disease, ulcer, celiac disease …

Treatment of functional abdominal pain

As you have seen, this type of pain does not refer to any worrying situation or the source of a serious problem, but can present a more or less intense discomfort. Therefore, the use of any drug will always be subject to the decision of a specialist, paracetamol is quite effective.

functional abdominal pain

In addition, there are some remedies that can help relieve functional abdominal pain in children effectively. Massaging the painful area or applying heat can help.

Occasionally, therapy from a psychologist who can help with stress and tension management can greatly improve symptoms.

How to talk to them about this subject?

It’s about not making them think it’s all in their head, because that will make them feel even worse. Rather, you should make it clear that he doesn’t have to worry and can learn to deal with pain.

They need to understand that they have no disease even though their symptoms are real. You have to explain to them that they are going to be taken care of and that it affects many other children.

As you have seen, functional abdominal pain in children is quite common, and although there is usually no cause for concern, it is advisable to observe them and rule out any possible pathology with doctor. Usually, these symptoms go away with growth.

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