9 Games To Stimulate The Senses Of Babies – Parenthood

9 games to stimulate babies' senses

Baby’s senses develop as he interacts with the world. Hearing, seeing, touching, smelling a taste and an odor, are possible thanks to the learning that the child makes by this feedback feed with the environment which surrounds him.

In order to stimulate your child’s senses, we offer you some games. Try them at home!

Dance with your child

Dancing strengthens the emotional bonds between you and the children. Thanks to it, your little one will be able to listen to new sounds, very different from those to which he is already used. The voice of a person, the song, the noises, the onomatopoeias of animals when you imitate them …

Through dance, your child will learn to orient themselves in space, to master their balance, and to have a better notion of their body.

If you stand in front of a mirror, he will be able to see himself and appreciate all the movements he makes.

Give her massages

Massages develop the sense of touch

Massages help the baby to relax and sleep better. If he cries, it will calm him down. On the other hand, massages help her to be more receptive. He will then develop more interest in everything that is happening around him. And this will promote his learning.

Massages relieve the tummy aches that are so common in babies. They also stimulate muscles, joints and the whole body, allowing psychomotor development to take place earlier.

As far as stimulation of the senses is concerned, these exercises will awaken sight, smell and touch. As you rub it, the baby will observe you, feel you up close, and perceive a whole host of pleasant sensations on his skin. Thanks to all this, he feels great emotional well-being, which also strengthens the emotional bonds between him and you.

Massages also help develop his central nervous system, and make him more aware of his body.

Give him children’s books for him to play

Books teach things, even for the little ones. You can put your child on his stomach to have fun watching the books. It is an effective exercise which greatly promotes the development of psychomotricity. When it comes to stimulating the senses, children’s books are helpful in stimulating the senses of touch and sight.

Give it large volumes with attractive color designs. And let him type the book and flip through the pages. Observe it carefully, and also interact with the drawings they see on the books.

You can also look for copies that have drawings of animals, and mimic the sound they make. By doing so, you also stimulate the sense of hearing, and you promote cognitive development.

Play it with different objects

Always use diverse and fun objects

A simple doll can give your child a unique opportunity to have fun. Much faster than you think, your child will marvel at this doll that you bought him with so much love. Plush toys will keep him entertained for hours.

To stimulate the baby’s senses, also look for different elements that arouse his curiosity, and even his creativity. Things that help him develop and acquire new skills.

For this, we suggest you prepare a small or medium box, and put the following items inside:

  • Colorful stickers (geometric shapes, houses, animals, trees, cars, etc.)
  • Sachets of spices
  • Plastic containers
  • Some small colorful bracelets
  • Pompoms
  • Brioche bread

Each of these elements will awaken your little one to different sensations. With these, he will be able to experience things and learn.

5 games to stimulate baby’s senses

Dear mom, here are some other games that you can use to stimulate your baby’s senses:

  • Pans can be helpful in developing the sense of hearing. Sit him down and place a set of pans in front of him. Give him a metal spoon and a wooden one. He will surely have a lot of fun learning to make music with metals.
  • The cell phone with pictures of the family serves to stimulate the eyesight. Above his cradle, you can hang the cell phone with different portraits of the people of the family he loves the most: his mom, his dad, his grandmother, his brother or his sister… and himself too. Place the laptop close enough to him so that he can see the photos well. If you open a window and let in some air, the movement of the photos will make him laugh a lot.

Soft toys, paper, photos, household items ... everything is good to stimulate the senses

  • A sock with aromatic plants inside, to develop the sense of smell. Pick aromatic plants from your garden, and put them in one of her little socks. Close it with a knot at the end, and give it to your baby to smell it.
  • Sandpaper can stimulate touch. Cut out small squares, triangles and circles from sandpaper. Let the child get to know what roughness is, as he catches them and plays with the shapes.
  • Use small pockets with cereal inside, to stimulate the sense of taste. In the same way as with aromatic plants, put some cereal petals inside a sock, and let the child bite it. He will not be able to eat the cereals directly, but by smelling them with his saliva, the cereals will make him taste some of their flavor.

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