Baby’s Tenth Month Of Life – Being Parents

The baby's tenth month of life

It is with great joy that  we welcome the baby’s tenth month of life,  especially since we know that his first year of life is approaching. He has most certainly already made his first attempts to stand up and soon he will be able to surprise with his first steps. 

He may also start to say “mum” or “dad” as well as a few small words. If not, pay attention because it will not be long.

Changes in the tenth month of the baby’s life 

Weight and height

In the baby’s tenth month of life, he is already physically stronger, with more volume and height. This allows him to be more energetic and vigorous.

But usually in this last trimester babies gain little weight so don’t worry if yours is not gaining a lot of weight. A baby in the tenth month of life is at a healthy weight of around 9.8 kg and measures an average of 75.70 cm.

The attempts to march

The baby probably already has a good balance when he is standing, leaning on furniture or on mom’s legs. Gradually,  his attempts to stand longer will increase. 

Some children walk after about a year, while others take their  first steps  at an early age. It all depends on the stimulus received.

From the tenth month of the baby's life, he can already begin to sit up and try to walk a few times.

He started to bite

It is not a matter of concern, he only discovered this possibility. He doesn’t do it with an absolute perception of what’s going on and he doesn’t want to hurt because he doesn’t know this notion.

But it is normal for him to start biting his toys, he may even bite  you  without knowing that he should not. Not all children necessarily go through this stage. However, we do know that they can develop it in the first 3 years of their life.

He defines his personality

Now your baby can let you know through his protests the things he likes and dislikes. In addition, you can partly identify his personality:  whether he is expressive and sympathetic or modest and reserved, even shy and a little serious. 

There are little ones who adopt a model from childhood and maintain it until adulthood. Others evolve and change over the years.

What should a baby eat in the tenth month of life?

A healthy and complete diet is important during a baby's tenth month of life.

In the baby’s tenth month of life,  almost all healthy foods have been included in his diet. Now it remains to know the proper amounts for orderly, healthy and rich nutrition. You thus participate in an optimal physical and mental development.

Ideally, you should provide your child with the following daily servings:

  • 1/4 cup of cereals (oats, barley, wheat or rice).
  • 1/2 cup of fruit among all the varieties that exist.
  • 1/2 cup of vegetables (multiple choices).
  • 1/8 of protein (egg, lean meats, chicken meat, etc.).
  • 1/2 cup of dairy products (yogurt, pasteurized cottage cheese or cottage cheese).
  • 1/2 cup of daily meals (chicken macaroni, soups, stews, fricassee, etc.).

Feeding your baby at this age is much easier. Follow these tips without forgetting  the three bottles of breast milk or formula.

Some recommendations for the tenth month of the baby’s life

From the tenth month of the baby's life, he enjoys playing with other children or with his parents.

Many mothers have noticed how convenient it is to keep the tips we give you below. Don’t be late, apply them!

  • It is advisable to leave your child barefoot if you observe him attempting to walk. This gives it stability and will prevent it from slipping.
  • The baby will need you to take his first steps. So take care of your back as you might suffer from the posture.
  • For many people, talking about the  baby walker  is a controversial topic. Some prefer not to use it (in Canada and Brazil its sale is prohibited). It is mainly believed that this device develops a false sense of security which fades when removed. It also delays walking in children.
  • As you can see, your baby wants to move around the whole house and  he doesn’t recognize the danger. It is therefore recommended to adapt the house for the baby’s first steps.
  • We live very busy days but we have to take time to spend it with family. Seeing your mom and dad laugh and play with them will strengthen the model of safety and their self-esteem.
  • Invite another couple of friends who have a baby the same age so they can play and share. In this way, he will realize that there are other people outside the family and the social environment.

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