Being A Mother At 40 – Being Parents

Being a mother at 40

The normalization of this event made motherhood at age 40 or older become not only a viable option but also a positive one.

In addition to economic and professional growth, there is also the personal decision to take advantage of youth. After the dreams of youth are fulfilled, many women consider that their time has come. They feel fulfilled in all their desires and begin to think of forming a family.

It shouldn’t be wrong for a woman to decide to have a child at 40, since the ideal time depends on how she is feeling and how she takes care of her body and health. .

Thanks to many scientific advances, the complications of late pregnancies that used to occur are increasingly rare.

An asset in your pocket: maturity

A long time ago, having a child late was surprising. Today, motherhood at 40 is the new trend. From a certain age, women are more careful and more self-confident. In addition,  children of older mothers often have better physical and emotional health  due to over-care during pregnancy.

In general, women who tend to delay motherhood are those who have chosen to prioritize their careers and professional goals. Lack of work or a stable partner can also influence,  which is reason enough to wait for the right time.

Motherhood at 40 affects more and more women in Europe

According to the Institute of Statistics in Spain, 33% of deliveries are to women over 34 years old  and around 5% of Spanish women are mothers from the age of 40. Experts, on the other hand, certify that the ideal biological age to be a mother is between 18 and 35 years old.

The advantages of motherhood at 40

Pregnancy is a time of great  responsibility  and dedication. If you choose to be a mother at this age,  it is because you have carefully considered all the options.

The good thing about delaying pregnancy until age 40 is that  the mother has a greater maturity and a greater sense of responsibility. Her professional career is well established, she usually has a stable partner and uses her autonomy properly.

Once the economic constraints of youth have been overcome, being a mother at 40 is an ideal choice. Your financial situation is better and you have more time to spend and share with your children.

The risks of being a mother at 40

The number of women who have children after 40 has quadrupled over the past 30 years.

Although the average age of pregnancy in Spain is around 32 years old,  the World Health Organization considers any gestation process after 35 years to be considered a risk pregnancy.

It should also be borne in mind that at 40 it is more difficult to get pregnant. The number of eggs has decreased and for this reason,  experts advise fertilization treatments, such as egg donation.

The mother’s age may be a risk factor for some complications

  • Abortion
  • Premature births
  • Malformations
  • Chromosomal abnormalities in children  (such as Down syndrome)
  • Maternal hypertension and gestational diabetes

    As mentioned above,  pregnancy monitoring is much stricter  and advances in science already allow detection of abnormalities or malformations of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy.

    If the woman takes good care of herself during pregnancy, the risks will decrease and the natural process will end in a successful delivery.

    In case there are any health issues that prevent a woman from getting pregnant in her 40s, one should not put aside the many fertilization options  This requires good communication with his doctor.

    If you are 40 years old and thinking about getting pregnant (or already pregnant),  remember that you need to prepare your body for the birth of your child,  take better care of your health, your  weight  and do not smoke for your own sake and that of your baby. Maternity at 40 is possible, but with the necessary precautions. Be cen onscient!

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