7 Tips For Taking Artistic Photos Of Your Baby At Home – You Are Mom

7 tips for taking artistic photos of your baby at home

Even if the attention a baby needs doesn’t allow you to spend too much time taking photos, you will have plenty of time to put your camera to good use.

A photo is a memory that you will keep forever

  • Don’t hesitate to take photos of your baby all the time. Although all the photos may look the same, you will discover over time and by reviewing old photos what has changed in your child.
  • Remember to always have your camera handy. If you always have it near you, with the battery charged, you will be able to take a lot more photos than if it is tidy in a cabinet. Babies change expression all the time, move around, smile …
  • Don’t be afraid to take too many photos, even if they all look the same. By taking a lot of pictures in a row, you are more likely to be able to capture a “special” expression. If you take just one photo, you may realize late, seeing it on your screen, that it is not as you expected.

    If you want to save time and leave with an edge, spend a few minutes looking at other photographs.

    There are some really awesome photos out there so try to keep in mind which ones you like the most.

    Be inspired by these clichés and new ideas will arise about the baby’s position, angles, points of view …

    artistic baby photo

    7 tips for taking artistic photos of your baby at home

    Babies are small and fragile.

    A special way to take a picture of them is to focus on a detail, such as a hand or a foot.

    Give yourself the luxury of taking a lot of photos, and once you’ve taken a lot of classic shots, focus on the details of her body.

    You will succeed in making very interesting photographs and even in obtaining compositions or making collages with several shots.

    Try to take pictures of the baby next to a window

    If you are inside the house, photograph him in such a way that the light comes from the side on his face.

    With portraits, side light is one of the most used resources because it allows to reveal very well the shapes and the reliefs.

    You will only have to check that the light conditions are sufficient to be able to take the photos without the risk of seeing them blurry.

    Photograph it while being at its height

    Unless you want to let your creativity run wild, step up to your baby’s height.

    Photograph him by placing yourself at the same level as him and by shooting the pictures from there, this will create a feeling of proximity and intimacy between the viewer and the small subject.

    Try black and white photos

    Black and white baby photos are irresistible and full of tenderness.

    If you don’t know how to process photos on your computer, you can configure your camera to take pictures in black and white.

    However, if you know how to use Photoshop or any other photo editing program, you will be able to compare the two results and decide what you like the most.

    Be careful that it is not cold

    If you plan to photograph him with little or no clothes on, put yourself in his shoes. Don’t let it get cold, regulate the heating if necessary.

    Make him feel comfortable, it will make him happy and you will be treated to great photos.

    Absolutely avoid the flash

    The flash will be your baby’s biggest enemy. It will scare him and make him cry continuously. Therefore, if you don’t want your photo session to fail irreparably, turn off the flash.

    Instead of the latter, try using natural light from the window.

    Highlight the little protagonist

    To give your baby the importance that your baby deserves in the photo, a very effective technique would be to focus on him and not at all on the background, which will therefore become blurry.

    artistic baby photos

    What to do with the photos you took?

    After taking these beautiful photos of your baby, you have endless ideas about what to do with them.

    These memories deserve much better than to end up in a file on your computer, like a vulgar pile of pixels.

    Here are some ideas:

    • Make a collage.
    • Edit them.
    • Turn them into a puzzle.
    • Decorate your home with a few shots.
    • Personalize a mug.
    • Make an album.
    • Send them as postcards.
    • Customize a calendar.
    • Print them.
    • Set them as wallpaper on your tablet / computer / phone.
    • Turn them into stickers.

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