Help Your Child Discover Their Talents – Parenthood

Help your child discover their talents

Each individual has different skills, some more developed than others. From an early age, we express them and then become useful individuals for our immediate environment as well as for society. For this reason and many more, it is important to help your child discover his talents from the first moments when they express them.

How can you help discover and develop your child’s talents?

These specific abilities are found in humans in three fundamental areas: intellectual, emotional and physical. The child will then show what he has in each of them according to his development and growth. This is when the perception of his parents or the adults around him comes into play to identify them.

The first step in helping children to discover their talents is the identification – by the parents – of their capacities,  their main strengths and weaknesses, as they evolve in their environment.

This observation is what will identify more precisely the aptitudes of each child. It will also indicate the path to follow in order to promote their interests and work on their talents.

At what age can we start to encourage talent development in children?

From an early age,  almost from the moment of birth to three years, the child passes through various process development of its capabilities. Many parents make the mistake of forcing the child to do certain activities the way they think is correct. But without giving him the necessary space for him to discover how to do it on his own.

There is nothing wrong with gently leading children. However,  it is essential to let them manage with sufficient freedom in their environment. It is up to them to figure out how to fend for themselves – with the necessary caution – in certain circumstances.

Explore the talents of children.

For example, if at three years old the child does not hold his pencil correctly, it should be remembered that he is still in a process of motor development. Instead of putting pressure on him, you have to teach him, with a lot of patience, the right way to do it.

Help your child discover his talents from the very first steps. At the same time, encourage her abilities in each of the areas mentioned above, without putting pressure on her. Later, preschool education – between 4 and 6 years old – will further stimulate the development of all his skills.

Identify the true talents of the child

After the step of preselecting activities,  parents must be keen observers and determine if the child is really capable of doing them. Here is a new opportunity to discover if the talents of the child are rather physical, if he likes reading and doing research or if, on the contrary, he prefers to explore and discover.

To be sure that the activity is the right one and that it awakens a real interest in the child,  it is preferable to wait a reasonable period of time to observe its evolution. This can range from 3 months -minimum- to a year. Then we can assess the child’s performance and make sure he really enjoys what he is doing.

By the age of seven, children are able to choose what activities they want to do and what they don’t. It is fundamental to take into consideration what they want so that they can fully benefit from their talents. Besides, they also escape the frustration of being forced to do something they don’t want.

A father who teaches his son to play basketball.

“The first step in helping children to discover their talents is the identification – by the parents – of their capacities, their strengths and their weaknesses, as they evolve in their environment”.

Support from parents is the basis of their success

At home you have a child who is waiting to be different, eager to be successful and to improve all of their skills. Always keep in mind that his own parents are the best people to support him. Help your child discover his or her own talents so that in the future they will become confident and fear-free individuals to take on new challenges.

Finally, remember that parental support is essential for the optimal development of children. Both physically and mentally. Your child will always be happy to show you his progress, his successes. And he will seek refuge in you when he faces failure and frustration.

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