Learning How To Laugh In Babies – Being Parents

Learning to laugh in babies

Seeing your child’s first smile is an emotional moment for any parent. Laughter in babies is always wonderful. But what does this smile tell us about his learning about the world?

At first, the baby laughs in imitation. That is, he sees a smile drawn on your face, and he does the same. Then as he grows older he begins to find games of hide and seek, tickling, grimacing, funny sounds, repeating pleasant gestures, etc.

After a year, he’ll love you saying words to him and trying to make the syllables longer. Without a doubt, this will make it easier for him to learn the language. He will discover how to say these words which will help him to communicate better with you and with the world around him. It’s a whole process that continues into childhood.

According to specialists in the subject, laughter and smiles are learned so quickly in children that it is assumed that it is a mode of communication for them. Just as your baby can tell you if he’s hungry, cold, or hot through crying, laughter is also a mechanism for interacting with people.

The most recent research was carried out by a group of scientists from Birkbeck College London, who collected more than 700 questionnaires from around the world, on how babies learn to laugh. They discovered that the little ones smile in order to respond to pleasant situations.

How does children’s laughter evolve?

A little girl laughs in front of a doll

The first smile of our little one is a blessing that goes straight to our hearts. Even if it’s just a reflex, you will feel that he has widened his lips to tell you that he is happy to be in your arms. To tell you that he feels protected with you and that he loves the heat that your body transmits to him.

In general, newborn babies also smile while sleeping, unconsciously. It is a contraction of the muscles of the face, motivated by sensations that give pleasure. Like for example, the taste of breast milk, a memory of when they were in their mother’s womb, etc.


Some call this act “the smile of the angel” because nothing encourages it in itself, it is not directed at anyone, and it does not try to convey a message. It’s even common for mom and dad to try to elicit that smile when baby is awake, but fail to achieve the same result.

Then, from his 8 or 9 weeks, the smile of your little one will become a voluntary act. Indeed, he will be able to sketch a smile when he feels surrounded, especially by his parents or the people closest to him. During this step, you will be assured that as long as you are happy, so will your little baby.

In the following months, faced with the repetition of this experience on a daily basis, the child will be able to acquire a great sense of humor. This will open doors for him to happiness  and to an enthusiastic personality. Without a doubt, this feeling of pleasure that joy brings will make him feel accepted and loved by all.

The benefits of laughter in babies

A laughing baby in a park

Being a laughing person is so positive in human beings that we should strive to help children develop a sense of humor early on at home. Adults who are happy see life differently, and it also happens with those little angels who are barely discovering the world.

So that you know the importance of laughter in babies, here is a list of the main benefits it brings them:

An incredible medicine

Laughter in children will always make them feel good and they will leave pessimism aside. In addition, laughter strengthens the child’s defense system.

Aid for education

Use a little humor to deal with a difficult situation with your baby or when he is having a temper. You will see that you will be able to influence his behavior in an incredible way.

Laughter develops empathy

To be able to laugh, you must first know how to be an observer and understand what others need.

Greater self-confidence

A lot of research has shown that a child’s sense of humor is closely linked to self-esteem.

Laughter promotes intelligence

With the repetition of jokes, the child can exercise his vocabulary and his memory. It can also allow him to develop different ways of thinking, which make him assess his surroundings and see what is funny and what is not.

Learning to laugh in babies is a moving journey that will undoubtedly make you happy. Your smile is your child’s main motivation, so enjoy life and invite them to smile.

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