6 Techniques For Dealing With Teasing – Parenthood

6 techniques for dealing with teasing

Nowadays, many children no longer want to go to school because they are often laughed at. However, teasing doesn’t just happen in school. They also occur almost everywhere like in the park, in the bus, in the hallway, in the yard, etc. This is why it is very important for children to be able to cope with teasing.

Despite the efforts of the family and the school to create a cooperative climate, teasing is very difficult to avoid. When children are teased, they often feel bad and ridiculed among the many feelings they may have. Parents cannot always protect their children from these unpleasant and damaging situations.

This is why it is important that we can give them tools and strategies to help them deal with these situations. Thus, if we teach them from an early age, they will be better prepared for the conflicts they will face before, during and after adolescence. You want to know more ? So read on.

Dealing with teasing: why children and teens laugh at others

To attract attention

One of the ways to get attention is to make fun of others even if that’s a negative way of doing it. Indeed, for young people, it is better to feel that you are being paid attention than to be ignored. And this, even if it is for something negative.

teenage girl sad because of teasing

Out of feelings of superiority and to exercise power

To search the has cceptance group

Sometimes the feeling of belonging to a group can be very strong. Unfortunately, this can cause children to make fun of others in order to be accepted into the most popular children’s group.

By not accepting the differences

In many cases, children do not understand the differences that exist between human beings. Sometimes they just don’t know them. However, these differences do exist and are often cultural, racial, physical, or otherwise. Instead of helping and understanding those who are different, it is easier and more immediate to make fun of them.

By imitation

Some children imitate what they see at home and in other environments in which they spend time. These children may live in a family or social environment in which there is often physical or verbal abuse. They therefore act in the same way with their comrades.

Techniques for dealing with teasing

  • Build your children’s self-confidence. For that, give them love.
  • Try to develop the ability to laugh at themselves in children.
  • Teach them not to be afraid of the famous “what are they going to say”. However, if the teasing is frequent and is repeated over time too frequently, parents are advised to intervene.

Teach your child the right answers to deal with teasing from others

Learn to ignore them

Mocking children almost always give up this behavior towards a child when they see that the child is ignoring them. This is why we can teach our children that when they are laughed at, they should turn around and leave without saying anything.

They can also counteract them by saying for example: “the toad’s slime does not reach the white dove”. We must also make sure, as parents, that our children are firm in their reactions in such a situation. Indeed, the young person who makes fun of your child will often try to anger him and make him react.

child making fun of another child at school

Teach them quick answers

It is important that these answers do not contain insults or mockery. Indeed, having quick and immediate answers disturbs the child who is making fun. For example, a standard response to teasing would be, “I know you want to make me angry, but what you say doesn’t affect me at all, so it won’t work.”

Play mockery games at home

As parents, we can train our children to deal with these kinds of situations. For that, it is enough to play together a kind of psychodrama. Parents can, for example, play the role of the teasing child by imagining the things he could say, while our child must practice responding to teasing and thus learn to defend himself.

This game will give him many tools to deal with mockery. In fact, the more these appropriate responses are practiced, the more likely it is that your child will defend himself correctly in this kind of situation.

Give lots of love and understanding to your kids to teach them how to deal with teasing.

When children talk to their parents about these issues, the parents need to be understanding and loving towards them. Also, it’s a good idea to read them teasing-themed stories or tales that have a happy ending.

It is very important that children understand how proud we are whenever they try to deal with these mocking situations.

So here are some techniques that can help your kids deal with teasing. However, if they happen often at school, it is important to talk to the teacher to help them as well.

We are sure that on several occasions your child complained of being teased. We therefore hope that this article has helped you to teach your child what methods to use to defend himself properly.

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