Is It A Good Thing That A Child Witnesses The Birth Of The Youngest? – Being Parents

Is it a good thing that a child witnesses the birth of the youngest?

You will find many preconceived ideas surrounding this question. In general, the ideas that come up often all sum up how traumatic the sight can be for a child to see his mother in pain. However, some believe that it can help children understand the arrival of their new sibling from the start. So is it advisable or not for a child to attend the birth of the youngest? We give you some answers in this article.

Depending on the criteria of each mother and the type of family dynamic, the child will be present or not at the time of delivery. However, it is best to discuss this with the child before making a decision. Indeed, even if the mother wants to involve him in the long-awaited moment, if the child does not feel comfortable, we should not force him.

Children are curious by nature

The vast majority of children are well connected with their emotions deep inside them. Sometimes they are much better than adults. But that doesn’t mean they can control them. Quite the contrary.

As they get older, they tend to be scared. Because of one remark or another, that we blame them for things. Taking into account that a child has a lower reasoning capacity than an adult. You have to explain things to them with simplicity.

This is when the birthing process should be mentioned as something natural. You can lay the groundwork when the time comes. At the same time, as a mother, allow your children to express themselves. Talking about their doubts is essential.

How to explain the process of pregnancy and childbirth to a child?

Many professionals refuse to let children attend the birth of their new brother or sister. However, this is not a generality. If your child knows that his mom is a strong woman who is capable of a lot of things, he will trust you.

However, if he sees or perceives the pregnancy as an illness, he will be afraid and very anxious as the birth approaches. If he hears about childbirth as something dangerous, he’ll think it’s best not to attend or even talk about it. The worst case scenario for a child is when he thinks his mother is in danger.

Therefore, it is all up to you and your partner when you talk to your child whether or not to attend the birth of the little one. Of course, your experience as a mother will also be decisive.

If you haven’t had any complications and feel confident, you can transmit this feeling of strength to her even during the birthing process. On the other hand, if you yourself feel anxious and know that your baby will be present, your ability to make childbirth a quick and successful experience may be reduced.

child attends birth

What should you consider before making a decision?

As a mother and with your partner, there are several factors you need to consider. For example, the care you will receive: will it be a birth at home or in a medical center? It is important not to neglect this detail, because some structures will prohibit a child from attending the birth of the youngest for various and varied reasons.

Other aspects to take into account are:

  • Your child’s desire or will. When preparing it, you have to be very careful and see how it reacts to the idea of ​​being there. A good idea would be to teach her the birth process through a video.
  • Your child’s age. It is said that in order for children to witness the birth of their new sibling, they must be able to express themselves. This indicates that at least they must be 5 years old or over.
  • Your child’s character. If your child’s personality is very sensitive, it may not be a good idea to have them assist with the delivery.

What to do now that you have decided that your child will attend the birth of the youngest?

Keep in mind that childbirth can be quite a long process, or it can last just a moment. Try to explain exactly what will happen in the delivery room.

Calmly explain that, as a mother, you must make a considerable effort so that your moans or screams do not scare her. In addition, you should explain to her that the body contains a lot of blood and fluids, which are extremely necessary for the life of the mother and her new brother or sister.

child attends birth

If the medical center allows a quick visit to the delivery room, that would be very good for your mental preparation as well as that of your child. Finally, if the birth is to take place at home, let your child be involved in the process and encourage her to ask questions if she wishes.

Something crucial will be who will accompany your child. You might think it should be the father. However, be aware that you yourself may need your companion by your side and that you will not be able to leave your child alone. Even if your child is attending the birth of the youngest, it is a good idea to have someone they trust when the need arises. Not knowing how the child may react, it may be better to get him out and calm him down.

Remember: a child attends the birth of the youngest following a joint decision. You should not force it under any circumstances. However, you should keep in mind the reasons that make you want your child next to you. Don’t feel guilty if, at the last moment, you change your mind.

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