Tips To Help Your Baby Sleep Well – Parenthood

Tips to help your baby sleep well

If you can’t sleep well because you’re worried about your baby… Welcome to your rite of passage for new parents! The good news is, you’re not the only one, as this concern is usually quite common in pediatric practices.

But the best news is, you can get your baby to sleep well. Do you want to know how? Look at the following tips.

Interference between baby’s hunger and sleep

Studies show that newborns can sleep 16-18 hours a day. But they don’t do it all at once. Indeed, they do it over short periods, in increments of 3 or 4 hours. In other words, they don’t have regular sleep cycles like adults.

Keep in mind that the little one cannot yet tell the difference between day and night. In addition, their stomachs do not have enough space to hold milk all night long. It is therefore normal that they wake up hungry. Some pediatricians recommend that the newborn does not spend too many hours hungry. Indeed, during the first weeks, his need for food is more important than his need to sleep.

A baby crying in his cradle.

Over the months, the baby gradually increases the hours of sleep over the same period of rest. However, every baby is different and therefore may have a different rhythm. In the first year, it’s common for babies to fall asleep for about 10 hours at a stretch.

Moments of play and stimulation during the day, quiet moments at night

When it is necessary to change his diaper or feed him during the night, it is advisable not to stimulate him or to wake him up too often. To do this, avoid getting him out of bed, not playing with him in a stimulating way, but also talking to him out loud.

It is best to keep him calm by whispering to him and giving him peace. You can achieve this by using dim lights, a very soft voice, and serene movements. This will help your child learn that it is time to sleep, not play, and associate the night with sleep and the day with activity.

During the day, try to do the opposite. Playing with him and stimulating him is a good way to extend the hours he stays awake. And that, in the end, will help him rest for more straight hours at night.

Rock him only to soothe him but let baby sleep in his bed

Getting your baby to sleep completely in your arms can be counterproductive if you have trouble getting him to sleep. It is best to put your baby to sleep and put him in his crib before he is completely asleep. This will make it easier for him to learn to fall asleep in his own bed if he wakes up during the night.

Sleep in the same room as your baby

Between the first month and the first year of life, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death in developed countries, according to research.

One of the preventive factors is breastfeeding. But, there are others. For example, to try to prevent this syndrome, you can also sleep in the same room as your child. Co-sleeping cribs are a good option because they allow you to monitor your baby’s signals when he’s hungry before he desperately cries.

Create a good atmosphere for your baby to sleep well

Just like with adults, the environment of the bedroom we sleep in is important. Light, noise or temperature are factors that affect us. It’s the same with babies.

To help promote a good night’s sleep and help your baby sleep well, try to calm them down before they fall asleep. To do this, you can turn on a very soft light, relax it with a massage. But also put a little cream on him or make him listen to relaxation music or nature noises at low volume.

Baby crying in his cradle.

Make sure it is neither too cold nor too hot in the room. Indeed, the temperature must be correct and stable. In addition, put the baby on his back, as recommended by specialists. Also make sure that the crib does not contain blankets or other soft objects. You are now ready to fall asleep!

The way your baby sleeps does not reflect your parenting skills

Don’t lose sight of the essentials. Whether your child is sleeping better or less well is no way to assess your worth as a mother or father. Understanding your infant’s habits and how they communicate can take time. Above all, we must not despair. Pay attention to their signals and adapt to their pace if necessary. Your baby may be unexpectedly early riser!

And don’t forget: if you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to consult a specialist. They can help you and give you directions to get your baby to sleep well.

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