Tips For Fear Of Trying New Foods – Parenthood

Tips for Fear of Trying New Foods

Children can become finicky and refuse to taste the flavors of dishes they are unfamiliar with. This behavior can have different causes, which we will analyze in this article. In addition, we will review tips for parents to lose their fear of trying new foods .

During childhood, children are confronted with a multitude of new sensations. Often we are not understanding enough because we take a lot of things for granted. Our logic is different and for them, these are still new things that they do not understand.

A very telling example is that of food. You have certainly already asked yourself this question: ‘how is it that he does not want to eat spinach when it is a very nutritious and tasty vegetable?’. In reality, it may not be quite the case for him.

Children discover tastes, aromas and textures almost permanently. It is therefore perfectly normal for them to have difficulty adapting to it. As a result, they may experience some fear when trying new foods.

Trouble or bad behavior?

Parents need to know the difference between simple rejection and something deeper. There is a behavior called food neophobia which, although not considered a mental disorder, does produce this type of problem in children.

It is a primitive mechanism by which people are wary of foods that are unfamiliar to them. It can have different causes, such as traumatic experiences (poisoning or asphyxiation), and is characterized by the absolute rejection of any type of food.

On the other hand,  it can also happen that the child wants to manifest his will  and, out of a certain desire for independence, rejects the parents’ suggestions’ just because ‘.

In any case,  it is essential to be patient and to observe their behavior carefully. Here are some tips you can use to overcome this deadlock successfully.

Fear of trying new foods can develop between the ages of 2 and 7.

How to overcome the fear of trying new foods?

1. Be creative

Human beings are very visual beings. If something we like comes in through our eyes, chances are we will accept it. Therefore,  it is very useful to ‘transform’ the appearance of certain foods, especially vegetables, so that the little ones eat them. 

For example, you can make a fun sandwich with ingredients that represent a face and are more favorable to the eyes of the child.

2. Let the children participate so that they overcome the fear of trying new foods.

If we like to choose what to eat, why not let the children express their opinion? We can offer them healthy alternatives to choose from.

Plus, it’s a great choice to take them to the supermarket or greengrocer, so they can collaborate in the kitchen. Thus,  they will be proud to make their contribution and eager to taste the dish they have prepared themselves.

3. Little by little, but firmly

Filling the plate won’t help if you want your child to overcome their fear of trying new foods.

On the contrary, you must introduce them gradually into his meals. Through velvety and soups, pies or sandwiches, provided they contain other ingredients that he knows and loves. Regarding fruits, smoothies and juices are exceptional.

Then tell your little one what he just tasted. That way, he’ll realize that the foods he hates aren’t that bad in reality.

“During childhood, children are confronted with a multitude of new sensations. Often we are not understanding enough ”

4. Set an example to overcome fear of trying new foods.

It would be a real injustice to force children to eat vegetables when we don’t even do it. 

Indeed, if you want your child to eat everything and adopt good habits, the first step is to do it yourself. Of course, do it in front of him and without complaint. Often, even without wanting to, we educate our children: we are their role model and they observe us constantly.

5. Do not put pressure

Putting pressure on them, stopping an activity they love to ‘finish the vegetables’ or, worse yet,  force them, is the last thing to do. With these practices, we will only reinforce the negative association of certain foods with unpleasant situations for the little one.

In other words: ‘if I don’t eat what I don’t like, I won’t be able to play with the console’. In this way,  food becomes an obstacle, an imposition that we have to face even if we do not like it.

Persevering and being patient helps overcome children's fear of trying new foods.

6. Persevere, do not change the menu on the first refusal

If our reaction to a child’s fear of trying new foods is to give them something else they prefer, they will have a hard time getting over that fear. We have to be patient, give it time. And, like we said before, don’t yell or make a fuss if he doesn’t want to eat.

Finally, the main recommendation and tip is to be understanding. Childhood, especially between 2 and 7 years old, is a stage of discovery that each child experiences in his own way. You will see, with time and example as the main tool, he will follow your advice and thus change his diet.

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