When And How To Brush A Baby’s Teeth? – Being Parents

When and how to brush a baby's teeth

When and how to start caring for a baby’s oral hygiene and brushing their teeth? This is a question all mothers have probably asked themselves at some point.

Logic will certainly lead you to think that you should start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as they appear. Some people also say  that the baby’s gums should be washed before the first teeth even come out.

When the baby’s first teeth come out, start by using a small toothbrush with two or three rows of very soft bristles. You can ask your pediatrician for advice on the use and type of toothpaste you should use.

The recommendation of the US Academy of Dentists is to use a very small amount of toothpaste, equivalent to the size of a grain of rice, with fluoride, a mineral that strengthens tooth enamel by making it stronger. resistant to cavities.

How to brush a baby’s teeth?

A smiling baby with his first teeth

There is one thing to keep in mind when brushing a baby’s teeth: Fluoride can be dangerous for children if they ingest it in large amounts.

To avoid any problems, keep toothpaste out of your baby’s reach. Too much fluoride can also cause dental fluorosis, a type of tooth discoloration. So be careful!

When children are already feeling grown up, the problem is convincing them that brushing their teeth is a good thing; but have no fear, this is a normal and transitory stage which you will overcome with a little patience.

As soon as the first teeth appear, it is advisable to adopt good dental hygiene habits. Wash the first teeth and molars two or three times a day or after each meal. Use a small cloth or gauze moistened with water to gently clean the teeth and gums.

Between 12 and 18 months, you can start using a toothbrush specially designed for children, preferably small, that the baby can handle himself on an ad hoc basis and under your supervision.

Do not leave him alone because at this age he will not yet have the coordination of movements sufficient to brush his teeth without help from someone. But it is still positive that he is familiar with the brush. There are also models of toothbrushes that fit on an adult’s finger for greater mobility.

If there’s one thing all brushes should have in common, it’s their softness. The bristles should be flexible. As soon as you have one, and especially during the baby’s first months of life, you can wash his teeth and gums only with water.

When the baby gets a little bigger …

A little boy shows one of his teeth which has fallen out

From the age of two, you can start to introduce a small amount of toothpaste.

It is preferable, at the very beginning, that it does not contain fluoride so as not to cause problems for the baby if he accidentally swallows it.

There are special toothpastes for children, made with natural ingredients and without fluoride. In all cases, read the indications to check that they can be ingested occasionally by the child without causing a problem.

It would be a good idea for the baby to see you brushing your teeth from a young age because, whether it is out of curiosity or just to imitate you, he will want to do the same and will associate brushing with a habitual act. Songs and games in front of the mirror will turn this moment into a fun routine and help her get more and more the urge to brush her teeth.

From 3 years old, they can brush their teeth on their own.

When children have learned the mechanism of toothbrushing well and, above all, when they know how to spit out toothpaste, you can be confident in their autonomy, let them brush their teeth without you,  increase the amount of toothpaste and try to use it. others, until they use the same as the rest of the family.

When the teeth and molars tighten, they will be able to floss with your help and very gently, of course. Your dentist, whom you must have seen as soon as your baby is one year old, will give you advice on the best way to do this task.

In any case, do not forget about regular visits to the dentist, especially if you notice an anomaly when the teeth start to come out or in terms of hygiene (bleeding gums, appearance of cavities, among others).

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