7 Situations Experienced By Mothers Of Adolescents – Being Parents

7 situations experienced by mothers of adolescents

Here are some situations experienced by mothers of teenagers. Adolescence is a time of physical and emotional changes that greatly affect children’s behavior.

You face episodes of rebellion and lack of communication. Aspects that may have been previously unknown.

But don’t worry too much. Many other mothers of teenagers go through the same situations.

In this regard, the important thing is to know how to react to the emergence of different attitudes and  behaviors .  Although they can make you nervous, if the education you imparted is based on good values, your children will not negatively overtake them.

“The more a teenager knows values ​​and avoids counter-values, the better and more precise his decisions will be”

-Doctor José Martinez Costa-

Mothers of teenagers, get ready!

1. Dependence or excessive use of the Internet and social networks

Unlike other generations, today’s teens have a tool that allows them to do anything. Whether it’s doing homework or interacting with other people without fear of rejection.

Therefore, it is common for them to use the internet to become addictive.

Teenagers are bombarded with information. You need to help them select and reject content that is not useful to them. It is necessary to limit the use of pages which can be dangerous. As well as teaching them to take care of themselves.

2. The anguish of the missed opportunity or FOMO

Due to the constant connectivity provided by mobile devices , this phenomenon is more and more common. Teens believe that all their social media contacts are having more fun than them.

It is inevitable for a teenager to feel an overload of pressure to be like others. The last thing they want is to stand back and appear less “sensational”.

Mothers of adolescents may face their children's dependence or overuse of the internet and social media.

3. Ability to exaggerate and dramatize

The adolescent’s mind is about to reach adulthood. But it is still in development. Hormonal changes along with the background cause them to have a different (even distorted) perspective  on things.

Many of the situations they have to face will end up becoming a great drama and will be characterized as urgent.

Something that seems insignificant to them is very serious and should be dealt with as a priority. You need to understand that your reality and that of your child are not the same. Therefore, the reactions are also different.

It is important to always prioritize discipline. But that you qualify it with a little understanding.

4. Attachment to friends

Everyone who has gone through adolescence has experienced this misunderstood attachment to friends.

At this stage of life, adolescents place much more importance on people who “understand” them. This is why very often they can go against you to be accepted by their social circle.

5. Frustration in communicating with parents

It is natural that communication changes as young people move from childhood to adolescence. Fathers and mothers of adolescents then become characters imposing rules and duties at home. And that’s what they least want.

The good news is that it is always possible to combine your authority in the best possible way with a good relationship with teenagers.

It is up to you to find a way to deal with the situation so that your children have a healthy and happy adolescence.

Mothers of teenagers face many frustrations from their child.

6. Frustration of not meeting the expectations of those around you

Adolescents have emotional and social charges that you sometimes forget when you criticize or demand them. It’s not that easy to be a model student, help with household chores, and be popular with friends.

When a teenager fails to meet their expectations, they can get frustrated.

7. Evolution of tastes and interests

Many parents don’t notice how much their children have grown and changed. The type of music, food, and activities that they used to enjoy may not appeal to them anymore.

Adolescence is a stage during which the personality finishes to be forged. It is for this reason that a lot of things are transformed. Being is built up gradually from experience and education.

It is certain that many mothers of teenagers have faced most of these situations.

If they haven’t arrived yet, prepare to face them with love and serenity. As a responsible adult, you should be the one who guides and directs the teens, not the one who becomes their arch enemy.

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