My Baby Wants To Be Hugged All The Time – Parenthood

My baby wants to be in my arms all the time

Where does this habit of wanting to be hug come from?

It is natural for a baby to want to be hugged. Human beings need affection in order to grow. From birth, we all seek love from others in order to be happy.

Of course, the baby always has a preference for his mother. After all, it grew in her womb for forty weeks.

It is she who feeds him. Often, it is also her who sings songs to him, tucks him in his bed, changes his diaper, gives him his bath… It is therefore not strange that he feels better with mom than with any other person. .

In addition, a toddler does not like to be left alone. Loneliness makes her feel insecure. It calms him to always be in company and in arms. He feels like he’s protected.

A baby must be able to count on the emotional support of his parents in order to grow emotionally and build his self-esteem.

Many parents think it is the spoiled children who clamor for their parents’ arms and burst into tears as soon as they are put in a crib. However, you should know that tenderness and skin-to-skin contact are necessary for the baby, especially the first months.

When does this become a problem?

This habit of wanting to be hugged can become a problem.

While hugging a baby is important for proper development, this habit can become a problem for both mother and baby.

There are kids who want to be hugged and cry heartbreaking when you put them back in their crib or give them to someone else.

This mania harms the child because it makes him totally dependent on his parents.

The child is unable to do things on his own. Besides, he doesn’t even try.

As for the mother who is in great need of rest, the fact of being constantly solicited stresses her, depresses her, and even makes her cry.

What to do when the situation becomes untenable?

Although babies should never be deprived of affection, being hugged all the time can do more harm than good.

A child who spends too much time in the arms does not develop his independence as he grows up. In his eyes, it’s mom’s job to do everything.

For example, he is unable to hold his bottle while he drinks. Mum has to do it. Otherwise, it stops eating and starts to cry. Or, when his pacifier falls, he has no idea of ​​picking it up and mom also has to do it. This child must absolutely cut the cord.

What if he wants to be hugged all the time?

The baby should not be deprived of affection.

We remind once again that the baby should not be deprived of affection. You have to wear it, hug it, kiss it, hug it, play with it and take good care of it. However, when his attachment to his mother becomes “chronic”, the whole family must act for the good of the baby. We have two tips to help you out.

Teach him how to have a good time with other people

Mom shouldn’t be the center of the world. The baby will begin to realize this if he is having a good time with other people, whether they are parents or friends.

If his grandfather plays with him in the morning, his uncle takes him for a walk in the afternoon and his cousin feeds him the porridge he loves so much, Mum will gradually lose her monopoly.

Stimulate its development

Babies are eager to learn. Place it on the ground to strengthen its small body. Give him toys or objects that he can experiment with. Help him crawl if he has already passed this stage in his development. This will allow him to forget a little about your arms which seemed irresistible to him a few moments ago.

As always, he has to do this type of activity sometimes with mom, sometimes with someone else.

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