How Can I Keep A Baby From Getting Cold? – Being Parents

How do you keep a baby from getting cold?

This is quite a challenge. From now on, this care cannot be reduced to over-covering the newborn. Indeed, this only leads to effects contrary to those hoped for, given that it is highly counterproductive.

So these tips to keep your baby cool will apply throughout the frost season. With these tips, you will prevent your baby from getting sick. And the best part is that it will be in optimal conditions. Comfortable, warm and comfortable.

Becoming a mother means feeling the strength you never thought you had, and discovering fears you didn’t know you had.

-Anonymous quote-

How can I make sure my baby is not cold?

It is a good idea to cover the baby with several diapers to prevent him from catching a cold

You are probably wondering why it is so important that your baby is not cold. First of all, consider that the internal thermostat for  newborns  is not yet working. This prevents them from regulating their body temperature which can change suddenly.

We must therefore ensure that the child is not too cold or too hot. It’s all because your baby still lacks natural fat. Therefore, they are more likely to feel the cold. Nevertheless, there are other details that make them cooler.

For example, as you know, their skin is as thin as it is delicate. The ratio of their weight to height is much greater than in adults. This obviously influences when it comes to maintaining a lower temperature in their body.

Also, don’t forget that your little one is still eating very little. The production of heat through the food is then difficult. Once again, your baby’s body temperature generally tends to drop.

4 tips to keep your baby from getting cold

As we anticipated, the solution to keeping your baby warm is more than covering him excessively or keeping him indoors. Here are 4 tips to make sure your baby doesn’t get cold. Say goodbye to maternal fears and childhood illnesses!

I feed you, I pamper you, I protect you. But with your smile you do more for me than I do for you

-Anonymous quote-

A baby cannot regulate his body temperature and he can go from hot to cold quickly

  • Knowing how to measure temperature is key. This does not mean living the baby’s first months with a thermometer in hand. It is about knowing which part of your body to touch to check if it is cold or hot. The neck, arms, legs and chest will be your indicators. Under no circumstances should you evaluate his hands and feet, because – due to the normal immaturity of his blood system – they will always be cold.
  • Dress him in layers, the solution to all your fears. The choice of clothes is fundamental during the first months of the child. It is also not about opting for thick clothes, but rather combining different layers of clothing correctly. The general principle is to put on one layer more than what you are wearing. This way, if the baby is warm, you can remove a garment. Remember to put on shoes or a hat to cover these areas.
  • Nothing better than relaxing baths in lukewarm water. It is vital to regulate the water at around 36 ° C, the temperature at which the baby was in its mother’s womb and which they respect in the neonatal department. Prepare his clothes and heat the bathroom beforehand so that the little one does not have to undergo a sudden change in temperature. The  bath  should last between 3 and 5 minutes. Dry his body and dress him quickly to maintain body heat.
  • Regulate the temperature of the rooms where the child is. It is essential that these spaces have a temperature of around 24 ° C. If you use a heater, never leave the heater near his bed, as this may affect his health as well. It is vital to ventilate the rooms daily, opening windows for air circulation. In this case, keep the baby away from drafts that could catch colds.

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