Paddle Tennis For Children: Main Benefits – Being Parents

Padel for children: main benefits

Sport is of great benefit to the growth and motor development of our children. This is why we must choose a sport discipline which pleases our children. By practicing one of these activities – like padel – you will complement your training.

This sport will bring many benefits to his physical and mental health. First of all, it will work all the muscles in the body and it will boost its immune system. Regarding mental health,  this sport stimulates the brain through psychomotricity. In addition, he will make new friends and invest his time in productive activity.

We will describe below the main benefits of padel for children.

What is padel?

Padel has been a booming sport  since its birth in the 1960s in Mexico. It then spread to Spain and South America.

It is practiced today throughout Europe. It is easy and straightforward to learn, given its similarity to tennis. The differences lie in the type of racket and the number of sets. There are only three in padel. We play two against two and the team which arrives first at two wins.

This sport is becoming popular. Indeed, it is a discipline easy to practice, fun and dynamic. Children can start from 4 years old. It is so versatile that it can be practiced indoors or outdoors.

The padel has thus been a great success  since it is particularly inexpensive to equip. Once the rules have been acquired and after a few days of practice, the progress is noticeable in a very short time.

A padel ball in the net

The benefits of padel for children

  1. Contributes to its motor development

    The padel allows an excellent physical development. It increases  the general coordination of the child and also improves movement and balance. In addition, it stimulates the rapid development of psychomotricity. This will help him to move from one place to another with more confidence.

  2. Stimulates its physiological development

    Due to its significant growth in recent years, paddle tennis has made it possible to fight obesity and sedentarism in children and adolescents.

    In fact, we encourage  permanent physical activity. This helps stimulate the mood of children. When it comes time to practice, they release endorphins and burn off. They lose weight as well. In addition, their muscle mass and coordination increase.

  3. It is good for his psychosocial development

    Padel was designed as a team sport. It introduces a social aspect that makes it fun. We can thus create friendly relations, in addition to stimulating the spirit of competition. It also develops values ​​like surpassing oneself and teamwork.

    It is a stimulus for  maturity. Indeed, this sport teaches children to deprive themselves of a certain comfort to achieve a goal through shared effort. Children will learn to deal with their emotions depending on the situation, such as winning or losing.

    They also experience a sense of well-being because by playing sport they feel more active.

  4. It improves his self-esteem

    In the practice of a sport, the main thing is  to improve the child’s self-esteem. This is achieved by increasing his self-confidence. He will have to realize that in order to achieve a goal, one must make an effort and obtain results.

    Padel is a fun sport and this atmosphere is the one that all children need to stimulate their joy.

A padel match

Why padel?

Padel is a competitive sport, fun and perfect for socializing. He teaches children about teamwork, planning, camaraderie, solidarity and surpassing oneself. This will contribute to their training as human beings and good people.

You don’t have to have a lot of money to practice it. We only need a few things and, most importantly, time. With a racket, sneakers and comfortable clothes,  the child can already start his padel sessions. We will undoubtedly see significant changes in his level of play.

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