The Use Of Nipple Guards While Breastfeeding – You Are Parents

The use of nipple guards while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a wonderful act shared between mother and child. However, this natural process is not always without problems. However, these difficulties can usually be resolved. For example, the use of nipple protectors while breastfeeding is one of the most common alternatives in case of possible inconvenience.

The important thing is, first of all, to determine the cause that is preventing the baby from sucking properly. From there, we must take the appropriate measures to remedy it.

Nipple guards have been in use for a long time. At the beginning, they were designed in rigid and non-adhesive materials such as glass, metal, ivory, latex or rubber. For these reasons, they did not always solve the breastfeeding problem.

The good news is that these accessories have evolved. Today’s models are more suitable for the skin and can be adapted to the anatomy of each woman.

Silicone is a flexible and thin material. It is easy to shape and has a very good adhesion to the skin. It therefore turns out to be the best solution in terms of optimal comfort for nipple protectors.

When to use nipple guards while breastfeeding

The use of these accessories is generally recommended in the following situations:

Anatomical features unique to the mother such as flat or inverted nipples

These are nipples that, even when stimulated, do not harden or lengthen enough to allow breastfeeding. Other nipples, for their part, sink in during stimulation. To solve this type of problem, we generally recommend the use of nipple protectors.

Breastfeeding and nipple pain

Soft nipples

Nipples that are too soft are not the most conducive to the absorption of breast milk by the baby. In this case, it is also desirable to use nipple protectors.

Child-specific anatomical features such as short tongue frenulum

When the frenulum of the tongue of the infant is too short, it prevents him from sucking well. Here again, the nipple protector allows you to better distribute your mouth over the breast to properly extract the milk.

Rejection of the breast by the baby

There are babies who reject the breast. Still others have difficulty breastfeeding over time for no apparent reason. Again, nipple guards can come in handy here, thanks to their slim design and anatomical material.

Babies born prematurely

Premature babies often do not have enough strength to breastfeed. The firm texture of the nipple protector in relation to the breast helps to put extra pressure on their mouth. This then produces the appropriate stimulation.

In case of mixed breastfeeding or need to create a change

For example, when it comes to making the transition from breast to bottle. However, under certain circumstances related to the health of the mother or child, bottle-feeding may have started. It is only later that the mother may wish to breastfeed. In such a case, the nipple protector will be useful in this phase of the transition from the bottle to the breast. This will help the baby to adjust.

In case of nipple cracks

In such a case, it is important to determine the reason why the nipples have cracked. The use of nipple guards can then provide momentary relief so that breastfeeding is not interrupted. When the nipples heal, direct breastfeeding should be resumed.

Correct use of nipple guards

The following recommendations should be taken into account for optimal use of nipple guards during breastfeeding to avoid additional problems:

  • Follow the instructions for correct use. In general, the nipple protector has two parts which can be compared to “fins”. These must be deployed when they are put in place in order to create a vacuum in the areola and thus guarantee perfect adhesion. This will also prevent them from coming loose and having to be put back in place permanently.
  • Use the correct size. This is the size of the nipple, not the size of the breast. If it is too small or too large for the nipple, it will move.
  • Adopt the correct posture for breastfeeding. Both mother and baby should adopt a suitable position for breastfeeding. And this, both with and without nipple protectors.
  • Handle the nipple guards paying attention to hygiene. This is because milk turns quickly and can become a source of germs. It is therefore recommended to sterilize them and wash them frequently with soap and water.

Nipple guards and breastfeeding

When to stop using nipple guards

It can be argued that nipple guards should no longer be used once the problem that led to their use has been resolved. When it comes to nutrition, the infant’s weight and health serve as a benchmark for whether the infant is getting enough nutrition.

In short, if there is no reason to use them, they should not be used. They can indeed generate discomfort and interfere with the natural process of union between mother and baby.

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