How To Treat Food Intolerances In Children? – Being Parents

How to treat food intolerances in children?

The metabolism is suddenly altered by the body’s inability to process certain foods. That is why we should not take lightly the side effects that occur in children when they consume certain foods. Food intolerances are not a minor problem that can be ignored.

The health of children is always a matter of concern, so it is necessary to understand how harmful side effects are to them. It is therefore necessary to learn about the nutrition and needs of children as soon as you know there is a problem.

Food intolerances in children

Food intolerances occur when the body, before a deficiency in the digestive or metabolic system, is unable to process certain breaths. This causes inconvenience such as: nausea, diarrhea, bloating, headaches, etc.

It should be noted that food intolerances are not synonymous with food allergies. It is important to differentiate because in intolerances, it is the metabolic system that is affected; while in allergies, the problem lies with the immune system.

The most common foods linked to food intolerances

Among the eight types of food, foods that are often the cause of food intolerance, we find:

  • Gluten
  • Lactose

Dairy products

There are also other food products classified as “derivatives” which are linked to food intolerances due to enzyme deficiencies in children.

Among the most common products are chickpeas and lentils among legumes; cow’s milk and certain types of cheese; eggs, fish and some seafood on the protein side.

Certain types of fruits, such as citrus fruits, also cause food intolerances; almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, on the dried fruit side, and even grains like wheat, barley and oats.

Symptoms related to food groups

When a child suffers from a food intolerance, their body reacts in different ways depending on their deficiency in certain enzymes.

Specialists have detected certain reactions in the body that can appear even three days after eating the food that caused the problem. That is why we must be attentive and assess the symptoms that your child is presenting. We will describe a few of them below.

Symptoms of gluten intolerance

Children who are gluten intolerant may experience diarrhea and constipation, gas, vomiting, headache, and abdominal discomfort which can range from moderate to severe.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance

Lactose is known as the sugar in milk. When children are intolerant, the enzyme responsible for breaking down this substance fails, so that it passes directly into the large intestine. Once there, when it mixes with the bacteria of the intestinal flora, it produces colic, and of course gas.

Symptoms of fructose intolerance

Children with fructose intolerance tend to have the most extreme symptoms within the group. Due to the absence of the enzyme that hydrolyzes these two substances, children can vomit when eating certain fruits and grains. They can also have jaundice.

mint tea cup

How to treat food intolerances in children?

Once we understand what they are, why they occur and what their symptoms are, we need to put into practice some of the following tips:

  • Immediately stop consuming the food that created the intolerance. If this is not done, consumption should be reduced until it is known how the child’s digestive system will react.
  • Take advantage of herbal infusions, such as chamomile, because they have an anti-inflammatory action that relieves.
  • Eating artichokes can help reduce inflammation in the liver caused by fructose intolerance.
  • Regularly offer foods containing prebiotics, such as asparagus or kefir, which help strengthen the intestinal flora.
  • Keep a record of your child’s food consumption and reactions so that you can rule out foods that they are digesting poorly and talk about them during a visit to the pediatrician.
  • Avoid giving babies under 6 months of age products containing gluten.

With these practical tips, food intolerances will not cause major problems. Of course, in the event of an incident, you should immediately consult your doctor and follow his instructions.

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