Should I Let My Child Play With The Food? – Being Parents

Should I let my child play with the food?

When you were little, your parents probably told you over and over again that you should not play with food. In fact, this is a phrase repeated until satiety by many fathers and mothers, as it is very common to observe how children, once they have the plate in front of them, start to play. with food.

Indeed, foods offer various aspects for children. They are therefore attracted to manipulate them. As a mother,  you shouldn’t be too worried if your child does the same, because playing with the food prevents them from rejecting certain foods.

Although most children are scolded when they play with food, it is considered that  this interaction with food may be the best way for them to develop healthy eating habits  from an early age.

5 benefits of playing with food

Even though it seems hard to believe,  playing with food has many benefits for children. Note this in the following paragraphs:

1. It stimulates the senses

In the digital world we live in,  food is a perfect opportunity for children to stimulate their senses.

For example, all kinds of exercises are possible: making shapes with food so that your child stimulates the  touch,  blindfolding him so that he discovers the smell of the food, introducing a new condiment in his meals and observe if it detects the taste, among other possibilities.

Playing with food awakens children's senses

2. Children become more likely to eat all kinds of foods

Children sometimes have difficulty eating certain foods. In this sense,  playing with food can help them leave behind certain phobias that prevent them from tasting and enjoying certain dishes.

For example, most of them are reluctant to eat healthy salads with  vegetables. In this case, we recommend that you separate all the foods you want to put in the salad and encourage your child to use their imagination to create a collage, a face or a pretty flower. Nevertheless, without forgetting that the goal is for him to eat his own creations.

“Interaction with food may be the best way for children to develop healthy eating habits from an early age”.

3. It awakens interest in cooking

Without a doubt,  playing with food allows you to know the different types of food and, in some cases, to take an interest in cooking.

You should respect that  the mere fact that your child shows interest in the experience itself makes it a learning moment. Thanks to this, he will understand the processes necessary for the preparation of certain dishes.

4. It stimulates cognitive development

Contrary to what some parents think,  playing with food stimulates children’s cognitive development. Indeed, babies who handle food acquire more determination to explore and learn their first words early.

In this sense, we recommend that you encourage the exploration of the baby from the moment he sits down at the table; certain foods, such as mash, juice or soup provide essential information to stimulate cognitive development.

5. Children use colors and textures as artistic expression

Remember that the wide variety of colors and textures that can be found in food allows children to create opportunities for artistic expression.

We also suggest that you ask your child to create a rainbow with the different colors of the vegetables. He can also experiment with textures, whether with hard or soft foods. For example, you can make pizza dough and invite your child to mark their hands on it or create shapes and letters.

For all these reasons,  we advise you to resist interfering in this playful moment when you observe your little one playing with the food. In reality, this allows him to experience sensations and to discover, through the senses, the different types of food.

Remember:  don’t worry if your child is playing with the food, as it is quite normal for them to do so before tasting it. It is, without a doubt, the first step towards its acceptance.

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