Some Tips To Fight Cellulite – Parenthood

Some tips to fight cellulite

Cellulite is the term attributed to fatty deposits just under the skin. Usually on the stomach and in the lower pelvic region, such as the thighs and buttocks. It is the result of an internal dermatological accumulation of fat.

The cause of its development can range from excess body fat to its distribution. While sometimes it can be simply genetic or associated with food.

In this article, we teach you how to fight cellulite.

First of all, it should be noted that cellulite does not present any specific danger to health. Rather, it is an aesthetic condition that bothers many men and women.

Nonetheless, it tends to be more common in women and become more and more important as they age and estrogen levels naturally decline. Pregnancy is one of the key moments in the development of cellulite.

This excess fat tends to appear in the buttocks and hips. However, there is no need to worry too much because you can fight cellulite by following a few simple tips. Here’s all you need to know. Take note !

The best tips to fight cellulite

1. Changes in diet

The key to fighting cellulite is to strengthen the skin through the foods you eat and avoid those that promote its appearance.

Cellulite is often caused by  accumulated fat or toxins that reduce the elasticity of the skin and decrease circulation. A healthy diet based on real, unprocessed products can control cellulite.

So try to follow a  low fat diet that includes lean protein and vegetables. These, as well as fruits, contain most of the antioxidants. Therefore, it will help the body to eliminate toxins.

Also,  cut back on simple carbohydrates  like white flour and sugar, as well as processed foods. Also limit the consumption of coffee and energy drinks. Finally, don’t forget to  drink plenty of water  to cleanse your body and flush out toxins.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet with antioxidants is the number one key to fighting cellulite.

2. Exercise

Poor diet is not the only cause of the appearance of cellulite. Reducing your body fat percentage can have positive effects on cellulite. The more fat you have in the affected areas, the more cellulite will be present.

Cardiovascular training will therefore help you burn fat throughout your body, increasing your heart rate and metabolism. Regular exercise such as walking, running, cycling or swimming will help, but it is not enough. You have to introduce strength exercises.

Weight training can also regenerate tissue and soften the appearance of cellulite. This is because it increases your metabolic rate and burns more calories.

Squats or leg extensions are perfect exercises for fighting cellulite. And as if that weren’t enough, sport also regulates appetite and reduces cravings.

Regular exercise as well as cardiovascular training helps fight cellulite.

3. Reduce stress levels

Stress promotes the secretion  of a hormone, cortisol. This accelerates the aging of the skin as  well as weight gain. A high level of cortisol in the blood greatly decreases the lipolytic hormones responsible for destroying the fat cells in the body.

It is therefore time to rethink your pace of life, work or incessant travel.

Other factors:

  • Genetic
  • Weight gain
  • A poor diet
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Low hydration
  • Hormonal load

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