Can We Follow A Vegetarian Diet During Pregnancy? – Being Parents

Can we follow a vegetarian diet during pregnancy?

Women who follow a meatless diet face a dilemma during pregnancy. Many of them doubt the possible negative consequences of a vegetarian diet during pregnancy. Is it dangerous?

Truth be told, any type of diet has its risks if it is not balanced. This means that consuming excess meat can be very dangerous for your health. Likewise, abstaining from it will not have a positive impact on your body either.

During pregnancy, doubts increase. It seems logical. Indeed, during this stage, the nutritional needs of the mother vary considerably compared to her usual needs.

What should a pregnant woman’s diet include?

During pregnancy, the mother’s body performs two functions. The first is to  protect the fetus and promote its growth. The second is to ensure the well-being of the mother.

For this, the body will have to rely on all the nutrients that are beneficial to it:

  • Protein. They are very important for the formation of tissues, muscles and bones.
  • Carbohydrates. These provide the energy necessary for this energy-demanding stage.
  • Vitamins and minerals. They are essential supplements to the main nutrients mentioned above.
  • Folic acid. Among its many benefits, it is used to create red blood cells. It also prevents problems such as macrocytic anemia or a possible miscarriage.

Thus, the following foods can not be missing:

  • Lean meats
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Legumes
  • The dried fruit
  • The cereals.

Dairy products will also be necessary as  well as water and low-sugar liquids. Finally, fruits and vegetables should abound in the diet of a pregnant woman.

A pregnant woman eats breakfast

Risks of vegetarian diet during pregnancy

Beyond its benefits, following a vegetarian diet during pregnancy  can lead to certain deficiencies. We must avoid that. The ideal is to call on a professional to help you plan a diet that meets your ideals but also covers your needs and those of your baby.

If this is not the case, you will expose yourself to the following complications:

  1. Iron deficiency

    For pregnant women who do not consume meat, it is necessary to optimize the iron they consume as much as possible. This does not mean an obligation to eat more, but to absorb more iron.

    The human body tends to absorb  iron more easily from foods of animal origin.

    This point is fundamental, since iron  fulfills very important functions during pregnancy. It contributes to the growth of the fetus. In addition, it helps fight fatigue and symptoms of pregnancy. Finally, it prevents sideropenia, among other things.

    Recommended foods:  soy and its derivatives, bran and spinach as well as all those that contain vitamin C.

  2. Protein deficiency

    Given the absence of meat, protein consumption must  be done through other foods. This nutrient is essential. Indeed, it participates in the construction of tissues, muscles and bones. In addition, it participates in metabolic regulation tasks.

    Thus, a woman who follows a vegetarian diet during pregnancy must ensure that she consume protein through two types of food:

    • Those of animal origin  : eggs, milk.
    • Those of plant origin  : legumes, dried fruits and cereals.
  3. Deficiency of other essential nutrients

    In addition to the nutrients mentioned above, the mother should also  incorporate zinc during pregnancy. This mineral is used to process proteins. It thus forms enzymes that improve brain activity.

A pregnant woman eats balanced

In addition, the mother must consume calcium. This nutrient is very important. We should consume about 1000 mg per day during this step. It is essential for the formation of bones. It can be found in:

  • The almonds,
  • Nuts,
  • Nuts,
  • Broccoli,
  • Parsley,
  • Marine algae,
  • The cabbage,
  • Raw fruits and vegetables.

Finally, we must mention the vitamins. Many doctors recommend vitamin supplements for pregnant women. This is because they are involved in many body processes, depending on the type of vitamins. They can also be consumed in natural fruit juices and in vegetables.

In conclusion, we can say that it is perfectly possible to follow a vegetarian diet during pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is necessary to pay attention to certain specific criteria. These will inevitably have to be consulted with a nutritionist.

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