I Never Imagined A Life With You, And Now I Can’t Imagine It Without You – Being Parents

I never imagined a life with you, and now I can't imagine it without you

My little one, I never thought of having children. Nor did I dream of Prince Charming and the exemplary happy family that we often see in TV soap operas. My priorities were above all my life, my daily life, my work and my career. But everything happens for a reason. Suddenly, without warning, you appeared. And in this new life with you, everything has changed.

I have to tell you, really, that I never imagined a life with you. Maybe in life I just let time go by, numb, indifferent. The path I was taking was simply going in a different direction. However, fate decided to make us cross each other. And since then, I can swear to you that I can’t imagine my life without you.

Of course, by the time I heard the news of your arrival, I suffered in a way. I especially felt the anguish of having to sacrifice everything, for something that at the time I did not want and did not expect. Mainly because of the fears that invaded me.

Today I wonder what my life would have been like without the blessing you represent to me. I remember that time when I was alone like a gray weather stage, where all that light you radiated was missing. Maybe I had to give up a lot, and my life has changed a lot. But I can assure you that nothing makes me happier than seeing you laugh and grow.

This life with you, what an adventure

Since you crossed my path, I have known what people call love. But above all, I have known what the demonstration of the purest, true, unconditional and eternal tenderness is. I understood that we can suddenly become devotees of our own religion without thinking about it.

You became my reason for being

Since the day you came into the world, you have painted my days in color. You have redefined my conception of happiness and freedom. You have endowed me with infinite patience. And quite simply, you gave me the strength to fight and move forward, no matter what. All thanks to you, and entirely for you.

Indeed, life with you has become a real adventure. Without a doubt, the most beautiful adventure that can exist. I realized that I have so much to learn, and that there is no better teacher than our own child. The one that I did not choose, but that I would not trade today for the world.

I understood that motherhood offers me the possibility of giving life, of building bridges. Without knowing it, I have become an artisan, an artisan of life. And an artist too, who is proud of her finest masterpiece: my little sun! I understood that there are priorities in life and that we cannot really go back to our own childhood ourselves.

This is how I realized that life is now. It is not enough to look to the future. We must live and enjoy the present, watching for the next day. Because we are moments, and I just want to fill my booklet with stories of beautiful moments lived by your side.

I don’t want a life without you

Our life is together now

My life with you is my greatest treasure. This treasure is worth more than all the gold in Peru. There are many reasons I neither want nor can imagine a life without you. I couldn’t explain how vital your existence is to me, and to my daily life.

Freshness, happiness, innocence and love are the ingredients of my recipe for being happy. And mysteriously, you are the one with all these gifts, in the most authentic way. One of your looks, that beautiful smile, and I don’t ask or need anything anymore.

A kiss in the morning, a hug in the afternoon and this little “mom, I love you” is enough to make me fall in love even more minute after minute. Your games and jokes are my favorite pastime. And taking care of you and protecting you have become my greatest passions.

My child, this woman who had never imagined a life with you today wants to explain to you that she can no longer conceive it without you. You are extraordinary, and you have become my driving force. The strength that drives me to move forward, the reason I want to live each day as intensely as possible. My love, thank you for coming into my life!

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