Nurseries For Babies And Children: What Are The Advantages? – Being Parents

Nurseries for babies and children: what are the advantages?

Nurseries for babies and children can be a very beautiful and extraordinary experience for them. And even more so if they have enough space to play and run, they have plenty of toys available and there are qualified and attentive staff to take care of them.

In these places, children carry out activities that contribute to their development, they learn to make contact with other people and to have real friends. Even parents will have the opportunity to meet new friends with the parents of other children.

So what can children learn in a nursery? What are the benefits or advantages that it can bring?

The advantages of nurseries for babies and children

Nurseries for babies and children are not just places to look after the little ones; they also offer many advantages among which we find:

Physical development

Since they play games almost all the time, it helps them release energy. During free time, children run in all directions and thus stimulate their senses while improving their balance. In addition,  they have a good diet, get enough rest and learn hygiene habits.

Knowledge of the entourage

The nursery is a new environment for children, which is very beneficial  as they begin to discover and explore in a place that was foreign to them. In addition, they discover new objects and new people.

The development of intellectual capacities

Thanks to games, movement and all the material found in nurseries, children begin to develop their intellectual capacities. On the other hand, through their mental representations and free games,  their creativity is awakened, which allows them to invent and create new ideas.

Nurseries for babies and children are places where they can learn a lot and continue to develop outside the home.

The development of socialization

In nurseries,  children learn to be sociable because they are in daily contact with other people. In addition, contact with their peers is an even more important source of learning than that of adults.

Other advantages of nurseries for babies and children

Other benefits that children can get by entering a crèche are:

  1. Feeling precious and loved, their self-esteem increases.
  2. They develop communication.
  3. They form their personality.
  4. Better cognitive and academic development.
  5. This promotes emotional development,  since they are taught to differentiate relationships.
  6. This prepares the child for his  adaptation to school.

“In nurseries, children carry out activities that contribute to their development, they learn to come into contact with other people and to have real friends”.

What do children learn in nurseries?

In nurseries for babies and children, they learn stories, songs and dances and share them with other children. They also learn to eat all foods, put toys away after using them, and respect other people’s things.

In addition, they also study letters, vowels and learn to count. In addition,  they become independent, they learn to draw, respect and obey the older ones and go to the toilet on their own.

Finally,  they are taught to wash my hands before and after each meal, to comb their hair before returning home, to eat on their own and to work as a team. For all these reasons, the time that children spend in nurseries is not in vain.

The nurseries offer a multitude of toys and activities for children

How do I know which is the best nursery for my child?

Here are some considerations to take into account when choosing the most suitable nursery for your child:

  • The educators work with the children in groups and individually.
  • Observe the children’s rooms: if they are decorated with the children’s drawings. Not only do they have the feeling of making a lot of things, but also they feel part of these drawings.
  • Every day the children arrive happy and content,  which means that they are happy to go to nursery.
  • We tell stories  at different times of the day.
  • Children can play outside in the open air.
  • The presence of  experienced educators who understand children.
  • Enough space  for the child to move around comfortably.
  • There is a variety and quantity of coloring materials,  toys and play equipment.
  • Each educator must have a maximum of 5 dependent children.

In the end,  leaving your baby or child at the nursery is a very difficult decision for you moms. The main difficulty is separating yourself from your child.

However,  painful as it may be, it is necessary both for you, who are busy, and for the development of your little one. Indeed, in nurseries for babies and children, they learn a multitude of things that will be useful to them when they start school and also for their life outside of school.

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