Your Baby Clothes Will Be Our Nostalgia For Tomorrow – Being Parents

Proust said that love is space and time measured by the heart. Few things can contain so much truth, because everything that is dear to us, everything that we love, everything that gives us meaning in life, closeness and what is precious to us, seems to escape the needles. of a clock.

In turn, parents can measure time through their own children. These clothes that no longer them, these shoes a month to month became too small, these centimeters in addition to its  size, this vocabulary whenever richer, deeper and awakened his conversations … Where is our little baby ?

This feeling is instantly frightening, as we know, but it is also moving. Because that pajamas that don’t fit them anymore or that soft T-shirt that you dressed him with not so long ago and that he’s telling you now that he doesn’t like her anymore, responds to  the natural process of harmonic and normal growth with the assurance that all is well. That you are doing very well …

The intimate moments between him and you today will be your nostalgia for tomorrow

Baby clothes have a very strong symbolism for the mother

We love this moment when our children are still very small. We revere their tiny hands that squeeze our fingers, the sound of their  breathing as they sleep on our knees. Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding them is magical, perfect in essence, wonderful from start to finish.

We love this whole period of infancy because it is the time when they need us the most,  when we have them close to our skin, to our heart, to our senses. Now, although we know that all the stages of our children are important, these first two, three years are the ones that consolidate the bond. It is then that this attachment relationship is built, leaving an imprint in her heart and ours.

To have nostalgia for this stage is to regret those moments of intimacy where  we showed them that they were loved, welcomed, that they would always be protected, comforted, cared for… It was a time when they needed to us almost as much as the food we gave them, and that is something unforgettable in the memory. Another thing that we miss when they grow up: that almost constant anxiety to have us around …

The baby clothes , though small, are also part of a ritual ..

Baby clothes are soft, charming, beautiful and touching

These little clothes, so perfect and charming, are part of a curious ritual that many mothers have already experienced in their own skin. Before the baby comes into the world, we spend some of our time choosing these clothes. It’s a way of embroidering our illusions, framing our  dreams, projecting hopes, and in a way, starting to love this little one whose face we don’t yet know.

Later when we have the baby in our arms,  these tasks of putting on and changing, washing, holding and repeating the moments, may become routine,  but they shape the rhythm of everyday life that we love and where we go. let’s feel good.

However, almost unnoticed, these first clothes are left deep in the closet. They no longer serve us. Until finally, we devote a day to storing these little clothes more delicately in a special box, like a little treasure, like a fragment of a perfect period that we regret.

In the end,  these boxes are reopened many times: these little clothes will be used again. Either because we are expecting another child or because a sister or friend is expecting her  baby. It is also a magical moment that we love again in a different way but still so intensely.

They grow up, they get bigger and bigger and faster and faster… but every day we love them more

Baby's clothes mark every stage of his early childhood

This step is finally coming. The one where they run in front of you, where they escape from your hands, everything catches their attention and they bombard you with questions, where they never stop and where their personal circle expands until it reaches its fellows. These first social relationships will gradually open them up to the  world.

All of this is good, sensational and necessary. The children grow up and we grow up with them. There is nothing negative about regretting this period, it is normal if one day nostalgia embraces us when we discover his baby clothes in an old drawer. It is part of our past, it is one more piece of this perfect puzzle which even if it remains incomplete, your hand, your love, your patience and your closeness are still essential for your children.

It doesn’t matter how old they are.

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