Coronavirus And Breastfeeding: Are They Compatible? – Being Parents

Coronavirus and breastfeeding: are they compatible?

During the coronavirus pandemic, many questions arise, especially among the most vulnerable groups. What about coronaviruses in pregnant women and newborns? In this article, we’ll take a look at the relationship between coronavirus and breastfeeding.

The reality is that we have very little data on how this virus affects pregnant women, infants and newborns. This is a new virus that we do not know about and the infection has been around for a very short time. Studies with the latest data are constantly published, but the population sample is still small and the duration of the study very short.

What is the coronavirus and how is it transmitted?

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a virus that was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has since spread around the world. In many cases it is asymptomatic, but in other cases it causes serious respiratory infections.

The most common symptoms are cough, fever, and difficulty breathing. It tends to affect older people more, especially those with other underlying illnesses like diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

woman breastfeeding her baby

Although its death rate is not very high, its high transmission capacity stands out. It spreads quickly and easily. This is why it has spread so quickly and so widely all over the world.

We know that the main form of transmission of the coronavirus is through respiratory droplets, that is to say by direct contact between people, especially during coughing or sneezing. It is also spread through contaminated surfaces and objects, when we touch them with our hands and then bring them to our face.

As of yet, there is no evidence that the virus is transmitted through breast milk, but our experience is very short, so nothing can be guaranteed. The same goes for vertical transmission from mother to child at birth.

Coronavirus and breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a very important source of immune protection for the newborn baby. It has many benefits for the baby and the mother, especially in the early years of the child.

As we have said, it does not appear that the virus is transmitted through breast milk, but there are still too few studies to be sure. In general, however, it can be said that the benefits outweigh the risks.

The biggest problem is the close contact between mother and baby during breastfeeding. This is why the breastfeeding mother must, at all times, maintain hygiene and protection measures with her baby. These include wearing a mask and frequent hand washing.

A breastfeeding woman

If the mother expresses her milk and then gives it to the baby in a bottle, it is necessary to take even more hygiene measures. The objects and surfaces to be used must be properly disinfected and sterilized to avoid infection.

Another important point to consider is the drugs used to treat COVID-19. The case of nursing mothers on treatment should be carefully studied, as some of the antivirals used can pass into breast milk and, in turn, into the baby.

About the coronavirus and breastfeeding

Due to the short time the virus has spent with us, we cannot be sure how it affects pregnant women, infants and newborns. However, it can be said that, in general, the coronavirus and breastfeeding are compatible because the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the risks of possible transmission of the virus.

However, it is necessary to study each specific case. Each family will have to decide how to cope with the situation, depending on the risks involved. Considering the relationship between the coronavirus and breastfeeding, it is important to maintain adequate hygiene and protective measures to prevent infection.

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