A Loving Mother Does Not Give Her Children A Bad Education – Being Parents

A loving mother does not give her children a bad education

If you are a loving mother, don’t worry – you aren’t necessarily giving your child a bad education.

You shouldn’t overprotect them, be too permissive, worry all the time about your children or suffocate them … In short, those around you always have a reason to criticize. But turn a deaf ear and follow your instincts, which are rarely wrong.

If you are a loving mother, ignore criticism from those around you. Show all of these wonderful emotions that you feel for your child. There is nothing more beautiful than a happy child who knows he is loved. His personality, his self-esteem and his emotional intelligence will prove you right later.

Does that surprise you? Your displays of affection and tenderness do not harm your child as many think. On the contrary, having a great relationship with your child has many benefits, especially for their development.

5 benefits of being a loving mother

A loving mother strengthens her relationship with her child.

Above all, it is important to make the distinction: a loving mother is not necessarily a permissive mother. This is why many psychologists encourage parents to show affection. This does not mean that they are poorly educated. It is the lack of boundaries, rules and discipline that negatively affects children.

Not only are you right to love your child with all your might, it’s good that he knows that too. This is why hugs, kisses and caresses are essential. Look how positive the effects are:

  • Tenderness strengthens the bond between mother and child. What could be better than your affection to build a sacred union? You will have a relationship of trust with your child. But trust is the glue of any solid relationship. It will be easier to explain to him what is being done and what is not. He will better understand the boundaries and rules of the house. In addition, you will no longer have any secrets from each other.
  • The child feels safe and has more self-confidence. A child who can always count on his mother is not afraid of adversity. Whatever the situation, he feels capable of facing it. The love of his mother gives him courage and strength. A loving mother makes her child feel invincible and indestructible. In addition, if he feels at all times that his mother loves him, he will be more sure of himself.

    A loving mother teaches her child to deal with his emotions.

    The other advantages

    • He develops his emotional intelligence. It is very important to know how to manage your emotions in order to be able to use them in our favor. Good emotional intelligence makes everyone happy. But a loving mother helps her child to develop hers. She teaches him to control certain feelings and to tolerate frustration.
    • A loving mother promotes communication and fights introversion. You have understood that a child who is much loved by his mother will have no trouble talking with her. His mother will be his confidante. And if he communicates well with his parents, he will be more outgoing. This will later help him overcome his shyness and talk to others.
    • He has more empathy and affection for those around him. Finally, a child who feels loved more easily shows affection. In general, these children have less trouble expressing their emotions.

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