Astigmatism In Children – Parenthood

Astigmatism in children

Astigmatism in children is a visual defect. Children then perceive objects in a distorted way both near and far. This happens when the surface of the cornea is not completely concave, but rather oval.

It is one of the visual defects that we understand the least, although it is a reactivity error such as myopia or hyperopia.

Therefore, we can say that it is not an eye disease as such and not a health problem. Rather, it is considered to be an eye abnormality in the vision of objects.

With this defect, in both adults and children, the light only reaches one place on the retina. Which consequently produces a distorted picture of reality. This is because it produces different images and different fields of view both in front of and behind the retina and on both sides.

Causes of astigmatism in children

There are multiple reasons why a child develops astigmatism, the most common is genetics, as this defect is hereditary. But it can also be due to surgery, such as corneal transplantation or cataract surgery which is usually done in adults.

glasses against astigmatism

What are the symptoms of astigmatism in children?

In general, this anomaly is related to myopia or hyperopia. The symptoms are similar in both cases. Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • The headaches.
  • Congestions.
  • An itching in the eyes.
  • Sometimes nausea is possible.

It can also cause visual fatigue or headaches, especially during prolonged readings or work where you need to keep visual attention for a long time.

The different types of astigmatism

There are three types of astigmatism. Here are the characteristics of each of them:

  • Myopic astigmatism. The meridians of the eye see or move in the same way as in myopia. When this happens, there are different grades.
  • Hyperopic astigmatism. This happens when one or two meridians behave as in hyperopia. There are also different grades.
  • Mixed astigmatism. One of the meridians acts as in myopia and the other as in hyperopia.

    Furthermore, we can tell the difference between regular and irregular astigmatism.

    Regular astigmatism

    In this case, the meridians are perfectly perpendicular to each other ; they form a 90 degree angle.

    Irregular astigmatism

    However, during irregular astigmatism, the meridians are not perpendicular. This is how we came to compare the front of the eye with the shape of an American football.

    We should also mention that irregular astigmatism can also appear as a result of damage to the eye which causes scarring of the cornea. It could be due to surgery or keratoconus, which is nothing more than thinning of the cornea.

    How to detect astigmatism?

    This vision disorder is detected through eye tests and exams with the use of the same devices that detect myopia or farsightedness. The examination consists of placing different lenses between the eye and the light; it is known as retinoscopy.

    Today, there are more advanced methods to determine if there is a defect in vision through the use of automatic devices. Thanks to these, any eye problem can be determined with greater precision and accuracy.

    detect astigmatism

    Treatment of astigmatism in children

    • Eye diseases like hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism cited here, if not detected and corrected in time, can have severe consequences in terms of educational and emotional problems.
    • Among the most common treatments to correct astigmatism in children, the most used and effective is the wearing of appropriate glasses for its correction. Normally, through the use of glasses, this defect can be corrected. In addition, for the little ones, there are unbreakable lenses and flexible rubber frames.

      How common can astigmatism become in the population?

      This kind of vision abnormality usually appears at a very young age. It is therefore extremely important to have children’s eyes examined as a preventive measure or of course, if you suspect that they may already have a problem with their vision.

      According to studies in the United States, some 2,523 children between the ages of 5 and 17 have astigmatism of 1.0 ditropia (D) or greater.

      These same studies indicate that children of Asian or Hispanic descent have the highest prevalence rates (33.6 and 36.9% respectively) followed by Caucasians (26.4%) and African Americans (20% ).

      Similar studies have also been done in the UK, among 11,000 adults and children who use glasses, 47% have astigmatism of 0.75 D or more. On the other hand, the prevalence of myopic astigmatism is 31.7%, ie double that of hyperopic (15.7%).

      So, to plan ahead and avoid major health problems for your child, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist (doctor specializing in the eyes) once a year for a check-up and an evaluation.

      We remind you that it is fundamental to take care of the sight of children. In addition, as much as possible, the child should not spend too much time in front of the television, computer or cell phone.

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