Bad Temper Is Not Synonymous With Character – Parenthood

Bad character is not synonymous with character

How many times, when faced with anger or a crooked response from a child (or not) have we heard his parents or relatives say: “It is because he has a lot of character! “ ?

We need to start to understand that bad character is not synonymous with character, let alone a lot of character. There are no reasons or motives for someone to feel proud of having a bad temper.

Let’s define what character and bad character are

Character  refers to the set of traits, qualities or circumstances that indicate a person’s nature  and make them stand out from others. Character configures a person’s personality; it’s the way she reacts to situations and relates to others.

In contrast, bad character is related to attitudes or a predisposition to be or get angry quickly, without many apparent reasons. It is linked to a negative state, even aggressive on certain occasions, on the part of people who say they have or have a bad character.

In addition, we can associate it with uncompromising people, who do not listen, who do not like to receive advice and who quickly lose patience.

We all have character, we all have some type of character, but not all of us have bad temper. Bad character is not therefore synonymous with having character or a lot of character: it is simply one trait among others, a characteristic of a person’s character and personality.

A child covering his ears

Character and bad temper: we must not confuse the terms

All those people who brag about their bad manners and ways of responding, those who think they can demand that others endure their anger, those who have little tact and no empathy towards others …

All of these people should know that  their bad character is not justified by a strong character. And that he does not allow them to feel strong and all powerful. They should all know that they just have a “doggy mood” and that there is nothing good or special about it.

What is more, if we were to ask some psychologists to talk about this point, they might tell us that a person who does not know how to control himself does not have much character and, moreover, probably has poor character. problems with the latter.

On the contrary,  a person who has a strong character is able to self-control so as not to lose his calm  without good reasons. In addition, she also knows how to be and behave with people, speaking to them and addressing them with politeness, respect and attention.

Bad character is not synonymous with character

So we don’t agree that having bad character is synonymous with character or person with a lot of character. W e could even say that having a bad temper and a lot of character are antonyms. You can check it for yourself:

  • A person with a lot of character controls himself in extreme situations. A person with a bad temper immediately loses his temper,  exclaiming, threatening and cursing all the time, without reason and without the slightest meaning.
  • Unlike a person predisposed to send off anyone who comes to comment, a person with a lot of character will always be predisposed to observe  and analyze everything around him before speaking or acting.
  • Someone with a lot of character, when in need of a challenge or reinstatement of a person, will look for solid arguments before doing so. Someone with a bad temper will find threats and yelling.
  • There is nothing quite like being negative, closed, and brash, and being positive, pleasant, and quiet. Letting yourself be dominated by anger and knowing how to control yourself by thinking are two very different things. It is better to be and share time with quiet and calm people rather than people who bounce around for anything.
  • Having a lot of character means knowing how to listen and receive criticism, knowing how to change behavior if it makes us better. It also means learning more and more things and attitudes. On the contrary, having a bad temper implies increasing, day after day, the list of insults to throw at all costs. A lot of bad temper involves ignoring criticism and bragging about behavior that leads to nothing.

Bad temper in a child

Nourish your child’s character

Attracting attention is very much in fashion today, sometimes at any cost. So,  some parents are proud when their children display their character or, rather, their bad temper, because they think it shows a lot of character. However, when it comes to their education, they are doing them a disservice.

Nurturing children’s bad temper can have negative effects on their personality development and conformation. On the contrary,  it is good to nurture a good character, especially in children and young people, so that they develop a lot of character.

A character of integrity, critical and rational, with a capacity for self-control of emotions and objectivity, tolerant and empathetic. This type of character will make a difference and allow them to evolve more easily in different fields, present and future. It will also help them achieve their goals.

To conclude…

Bad temper is not synonymous with “a lot of character”. On the contrary, having a bad temper can often denote little character. Even if these statements can anger those who are proud of their bad character …

A person who has a lot of character does not lose his temper so easily and has a lot of resources to be in situations and interact with people. On the other hand, someone without a lot of character has no other way out than his “me I” and his angry outbursts.

In addition,  cultivating a good dose of character is not an easy task because shouting or answering askew, anyone can do it …

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