Homework: How To Organize The Routine To Avoid Chaos – Parenthood

Homework: how to organize the routine to avoid chaos

Because of the lockdown in many countries around the world and the measures taken to curb the coronavirus pandemic, children cannot go to school. Now it’s up to the parents to organize the routines to avoid chaos at home.

At these times, parents have a lot to do, besides telecommuting (in some cases) and doing chores around the house.

Indeed, we must also act as teachers for our children so that they do not lose the rhythm of their learning. All this supposes a great effort for all, but the main thing is to be well organized. How can we organize our routine to avoid trouble? In this article, we give you some ideas.

How to organize the routines?

In view of this difficult situation that we have to live, it is recommended to plan the days when we are going to be at home. We need to establish routines that will provide safety and make it easier for children to adapt to these changes. You are advised to:

  • Create a routine schedule.
  • Prepare schedules with the children, so that they too can participate, make decisions and choose with us.
  • The schedule can be written on a piece of paper or cardboard and children can decorate it so that it is visible and fun.

Ideas for children's homework routine

  • It will be posted in a place visible to all.
  • The organization, we can do it from day to day, and thus choose different activities, according to what we want.
  • The hours will be personalized according to the family routine: the time to get up, the time of the meal, the time of the bath, etc.

Ideas for organizing routines

We must take into account the time to get up and put the children to bed at the correct time

Just because there is no school does not mean that children can spend all morning in bed and then go to bed very late. It is important to maintain their usual pre-quarantine schedule. So when they have to go back to school, it won’t cost them as much to have to get up early again.

The rules should always stay the same

It is true that we will all spend many days locked up together, and that we will go through stages in which we are all desperate. But it is important to clarify which rules will govern our daily life at home, so that we all have this in mind.

For example, we must not allow excessive use of screens during the day, we must impose a limit on that.

Let’s go over and practice college or school homework

It is certain that all parents have received instructions from teachers to continue working with children at home. Either by providing materials to work on or by sites to consult to find what children will need to practice and continue learning.

We will have to establish a few hours a day to carry out this work with the children and not lose contact with their academic program.

We must establish times for reading

Depending on the educational level of the child, you can facilitate access to some titles of books that interests him. Also, if your children are smaller, you can read it to them yourself. With the children who are learning to read, we will work so that they practice with simple stories adapted to their learning.

Time for manual work and experiments

Performing crafts and experiments, besides having fun, will also stimulate their creativity. This is why it is important to dedicate a few hours a day to this type of activity. We can search the internet, because there are thousands of them, and adapted to the age of each child. It is sure to be a lot of fun, both for parents and children.

They also need to have time to play

Play board games with your kids or any game you have in your house. It is important, during this period when they do not have their friends to play, that we play with them. So we will spend this time together. We will have an amazing time!

Family films showing with our children

Screening of films or videos to organize routines

Also, we can have a cinema session day at home. There are many beautiful films to watch which will convey positive values ​​to children. During these days there is time for everything. It’s another way to spend time with the family.

All of these ideas do not have to be established on the same day. It is important to set up a schedule and organize daily routines. The children will help us, and we will organize these activities during the week, all in agreement. On the other hand, school homework must have its dedicated moment every day, as if they were going to school.

At these times, planning is important so that chaos does not creep into the family and its order. So, let’s get ready to work together and come out of this stage stronger. And don’t forget, stay home!

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