How Do Insect Bites Affect Children? – Being Parents

How do insect bites affect children?

Children are easy targets for insects. Therefore, it is important for parents to know how to prevent insect bites in little ones, as they can be harmful to health.

Usually, insect bites can be prevented and treated through parental response. The body’s reaction to insect bites varies depending on the type of insect and other factors. In the majority of cases, it can be painful, swollen, red, and irritated.

No matter what type of bite your child has, you need to be careful not to rub it. By doing this you are spreading the venom and you can create a secondary infection.

How do insect bites affect children?

We give you below a list of insect bites that often occur in children:

The ants

If you suspect that your child has been bitten by ants, we recommend that you apply lukewarm water and soap to the affected area. You can use hydrocortisone cream in addition to help control the itching and swelling.

You should also prevent it from touching the wound to avoid superinfection or additional pain.

The bees

If your child has been stung by a bee, most likely they have a small black sting at the sting. So, you need to gently remove it with tweezers.

Control the swelling by applying ice and lifting the stung body part. To relieve the pain and itching, you can give it an antihistamine or a mixture of baking soda and calamine lotion.

insect bites - bee


Mosquito bites are the most common. If your child has been bitten by a mosquito, wash the bitten area gently with cold, soap-free water. You can also apply a topical itch lotion.


The majority of spider bites are harmless, but some can cause sores or necrosis of the skin. Others, on the other hand, can cause symptoms like chest pain, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. If your child has any of these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor immediately.

Red spiders

Symptoms of a red spider bite usually appear one to three hours after the bite and the itching is very severe and lasts for several days. In addition, the affected area turns red and swells like a blister.

One of the effective treatments is to take a cold bath or shower, apply a cold compress, and use calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream to help control the itch.

How to calm a child who has been bitten by an insect?

Here are some tips for relieving the pain caused by insect bites in children:

  • Keep calm so as not to frighten the child.
  • Calm your child with kind words.
  • Treat the bite according to the instructions given above.
  • Apply ice or a cold cloth to relieve the itching and pain.
  • Reapply insect repellent.
  • Distract the child from his pain and itching with a new activity to make him happy.

Tips to prevent your child from suffering from insect bites

The following tips can help prevent your child from getting insect bites:

  • Buy an effective insect repellent.
  • Do not use soaps, lotions, or other heavily scented products.
  • Have the child wear long pants and sleeves when possible.
  • Avoid going to wooded or grassy areas.
  • If you have pets, buy flea control.

When to call a doctor?

If your child has any of these symptoms, you should take them to see a doctor.

  • When the pain or itching gets worse.
  • When it shows signs of infection such as redness, warmth, swelling, or loses fluid from the skin.
  • If he has a fever.
  • In case of urticaria.
  • When he has nausea and vomiting.
  • If he has difficulty breathing.
  • If he feels tightness in his throat or chest.

Now you know how insect bites affect children and what to do about them. As you have seen, you usually don’t have to worry too much as this is quite common.

Remember that the child’s reaction depends on the type of insect and the factors mentioned above.

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