How To Deal With Frustration During Motherhood – Parenthood

How to deal with frustration during motherhood

As women, the expectations in our life are always very high. However, when factors like frustration and motherhood come together, it seems like things just get complicated.

It is true that being a mother changes our life and that everything around us takes on a new meaning. It is an enriching and wonderful experience.

However, we know it is also very exhausting. We used to just mind our own business. Now, on top of that, we are also full time responsible for our child. There are sleepless nights and busy days without even leaving the house.

Also, if there are other responsibilities to deal with as well, it creates more pressure on the person. This could be, for example, other children to take care of, household activities, purchases to be made, studies, work, etc.

In the early days, we usually have help. Especially in the case of new mothers. However, later on, the routine can become overwhelming.

Emotional stress, insecurity and pressure then give rise to negative thoughts and extreme fatigue. This situation sometimes even makes us think that it is impossible to continue like this. This is where frustration and motherhood form a dangerous and devastating pairing for women.

Burnout syndrome

This syndrome occurs when a person has been exposed to a period of intense and prolonged physical and mental stress. This pathology has its origins in the workplace, among professionals who work in an environment often rich in stress.

sad woman in prenatal period

However, burnout also manifests itself in mothers because they experience similar situations at home. Its symptoms are felt on the body under circumstances of chronic stress. Here are some of these symptoms:

  • Muscle pain and gastrointestinal disturbances.
  • Insomnia and fatigue.
  • Problems with his partner and isolation from those around him.
  • A feeling of loneliness and frustration.
  • Anxiety and apathy.

The source of the problem may be at home or at work. For example, spending busy days or exhausting nights without being able to rest can generate the conditions favorable to burnout. Often, personal hygiene, food and sleep are put aside so that the mother can take care of everything and assume her responsibilities.

Wanting to be an exemplary mother in our society is an impossible mission for those who aspire to it. The feelings of these women are often a mixture of frustration and despair.

However, when we are involved in such difficult situations, it is essential to take a break and rethink things. Indeed, we must always think about our health and our well-being.

Either way, if we indulge in depression and stress, we won’t be able to be the mothers we want. On the contrary, all those tasks that we want to accomplish will become even more difficult.

Some tips to fight Burnout syndrome

Accepting help to deal with frustration during motherhood

Remaining isolated and dealing with those issues that overwhelm you in loneliness is a bad idea. During motherhood, you need the help of your family and friends.

Also, forming relationships with other mothers who are in the same situation is beneficial. Indeed, it will help you face the challenges that lie ahead.

Organize your time and highlight your priorities

Plan your activities, giving importance to the most urgent. This will allow you time to relax and enjoy your baby.

Take some time for yourself

Having some time for yourself allows you to think, walk and breathe. These moments are really essential. During this time for you, you can relax your body and connect with nature to find some tranquility. It will help you reorganize your ideas and face your activities with new energy.

To be able to fully enjoy this moment of personal relaxation, however, it is necessary to have the support of another person who takes care of the baby during this time.

maternal depression after childbirth

Dealing with frustration and motherhood

We get frustrated when the things we plan don’t go the way we want. Moreover, in most cases it is due to outside forces over which we have no control.

Faced with this situation, two solutions are available to you. Either resolve what is causing the frustration or, unfortunately, give it up. In order to deal with frustration, there are a number of strategies that we can follow that will help us not get overwhelmed by the vicissitudes. Among them, we can cite the fact of:

  • Talk, have relationships with other people. Indeed, sharing your problems with others can help find solutions that you do not necessarily see yourself.
  • Keep an open mind and learn. Human beings learn from their failures. Being able to  recognize your mistakes and correct them demonstrates your wisdom .
  • Accept the results, however difficult they may be. If everything has been done and it still doesn’t work, then it’s time to look at it differently.
  • Relax your body. Deep breathing helps relax the body but also the mind. This way, you can more easily visualize the possible solutions to your problems.

Frustration will only take a place during your motherhood if you allow it. Overcome moments of stress and tension with intelligence and in the company of your loved ones. It will make the difference.

Finally, enjoy your motherhood every day, reminding yourself that the times you have spent with your baby will not be repeated. That is why you must cherish each of these moments with energy and joy.

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