Is It Good Or Bad To Let A Baby Cry? – Being Parents

Hunger, cold, the need for contact, or even some discomfort are some of the reasons a baby cries. 

With this action, it is clear to us that the child is communicating his intentions. But then, is it good or bad to let a baby cry ?

This question is controversial because both positions exist. One of them says this is absolutely bad. The other, put forward by specialists, exposes that, on the contrary, the baby can gradually learn to wait and to control his behavior.

In order to take each of the two positions into consideration,  let’s look at all aspects of the question. What are the pros and cons of letting a baby cry?

Is it good or bad to let a baby cry?

As we mentioned before, there are two opinions on this. On the one hand, it is said that letting a baby cry for a long time can trigger such an intense stressful situation in the little one that it could lead to psychological problems.

On the other hand,  another group of pediatricians claim that there are no studies that actually certify that prolonged crying affects the baby in any way. 

Indeed, they believe that letting a baby cry allows him to open up to the world, to be more independent and to learn to be patient.

Of course,  this meaning takes into account that the child does not cry out of need,  but out of whim.

To better illustrate both opinions, here are the apparent benefits and contraindications for baby crying.

Letting a baby cry for too long can take a toll on their development and personal safety.

The negative aspect

Regarding the method of letting a baby cry, there are many negative opinions. Although there are no concrete studies that show that the child can be harmed, in truth several factors influence.

They will allow us to state strictly that this action is negative.

Let’s assume that  prolonged crying of a newborn or baby under six months old has nothing to do with that of a two-year-old crying on a whim. 

Age and the reason for crying are, in part, the deciding factor in making value judgments in this regard.

More specifically, the arguments against letting a baby cry indicate that he can experience these different sufferings:

  • The child may become less intelligent.
  • He may become nervous or suffer from anxiety.
  • He may have trouble bonding with other people.
  • The baby can become an insecure child.
  • In the field of psychosomatic medicine, it is claimed that  the child can suffer from psychological problems.
  • He may feel abandoned  and implant that feeling in his mind.
  • Children who cry and are unattended can develop an  avoidant attachment.

Finally, a final argument states that, contrary to what many think, if the child is taken care of quickly, his crying will stop. If we let him cry, the little one will further intensify his screams and frustration.

“Age and the reason for crying are, in part, the deciding factor in making value judgments in this regard”

Neutral reviews

Let’s start this paragraph by reporting that specialists who take this neutral stance  do not see a major problem in parents letting their babies cry during short absences.

For example, if they had to go to the bathroom  or if they were preparing the bottle.

This doesn’t mean that they are okay with letting a baby cry too long  or intentionally neglecting it. Their opinion is more related to science.

They believe that there is no strong evidence to serve as a valid argument for drawing definitive conclusions.

There are two different opinions about letting a baby cry.

In addition, they maintain that  the fact of not giving in to a capricious attitude of the child will make him more patient and tolerant  in the cohabitation and the communication with his parents. In addition to these advantages, we can add:

  • If we run in the face of capricious crying,  the child will manipulate his parents.
  • Children over six months old who have no pain, hunger or sleep may cry for a few moments.
  • Any child can cry. But  this situation should not last more than five minutes.

    Finally, it is important to clarify that every crying situation is different. It is not the same if the baby is crying because he does not like the car seat or is hungry. Or because he needs us to  change  his diaper and not take care of him.

    In any case,  you should always prioritize common sense, patience and love for the little one.

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