Period Delay: The Different Reasons – Being Parents

Periods late: the different reasons

A late period is the first sign of pregnancy. However, this possibility is not always the cause. There are various reasons for suffering from a late period. These may even be unknown to you.

Any woman can experience a late period, including one who has always been regular in her cycles.

When the missed period only shows up for a month, there is nothing to worry about. If this situation becomes constant, it is better to consult a doctor to find out the reason for the delay.

Reasons for a late period


Many women think about this option first when their period is late. In women who use contraception on a regular basis,  pregnancy can almost be ruled out. 

Certainly, the first symptom of pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation. However, it is estimated that one in three pregnant women has mild bleeding during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Stress and anxiety issues

The punctuality of the menstrual cycle can easily be affected by many factors. Strong and prolonged emotions can cause a late period. In some cases, the reverse is true: the rules are ahead of schedule.

In addition, there is a strong possibility that a considerable load of anxiety or stress will interfere with hormone production. Stress can even inhibit ovulation. This is why the rules do not arise.

There are many factors in everyday life that can cause extreme stress. This can be financial, professional, family issues or changes in usual working hours.

When the contraceptive method has failed during intercourse or the woman has forgotten to take the pill, the stress generated by the fear of getting pregnant is enough for her period not to appear on the due date.

In addition, anxiety also contributes to a late period. When periods don’t come, anxiety increases and the situation becomes a vicious cycle. It is recommended to take a pregnancy test to break this circle of anxiety.

A woman with her menstruation calendar

Diseases or presence of infections

A simple virus or common infections, such as tonsillitis, can be responsible for a late period. Consuming certain medications or treatments can also cause the same effect. Here are a few :

  • Corticosteroids.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Anti-hypertensive drugs.
  • Immunosuppressants.

Antibiotics do not cause a delayed period in most cases. However, they can interfere with the effectiveness of the contraceptive method.

Changes in body weight

When a woman’s body experiences sudden changes in weight, the regulation of her menstrual cycle is affected. The production of estrogen is promoted by fat cells. It is a female hormone whose function is to ripen the eggs.

If you gain or lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, your body fat build-up changes. This results in alterations in estrogen levels which, in turn, affect ovulation and the punctuality of menstruation.

Excessive physical activity

Menstrual variations are common in high performance athletes. The low amount of body fat, high calorie expenditure and stress produced by training are responsible for late periods in sportswomen.

Late period

Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism

It is possible to experience changes in the menstrual cycle when a woman suffers from problems with the functioning of her thyroid.

When taking prescribed thyroid medications,  slight changes occur in the thyroid hormones in the blood. This can lead to deregulation of the menstrual cycle.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) causes constant irregularities in the timing of your period. Women with this syndrome produce large amounts of male hormones called androgens.

The reasons that can lead to a late period or the total absence of them for a given month are very varied. In all cases, it is recommended to be attentive to the appearance of new symptoms which may be the signal of a health problem.

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