The Challenge Of Reconciling Telework And Childcare – Being Parents

The challenge of reconciling teleworking and childcare

Due to the current health situation, more and more parents are taking up the challenge of looking after their children while telecommuting. And we say “challenge” because it is not easy to combine professional performance with the care and supervision of children.

Interruptions can be constant, since the little ones need us. And yet, although we are there for them, we cannot be as available as we would like. Finally, we end the day feeling that we have not been up to the task, whether at work or in our role as parents.

Before the anxiety and guilt take over, let’s try to catch our breath and take a step back. Let us establish the best conditions to be able to fulfill our work and our family tasks but, once that is done, let us avoid punishing ourselves, judging ourselves or demanding ourselves beyond our means.

The keys to reconciling teleworking and childcare

Choose a suitable space

Just because we’re at home doesn’t mean we’re tempted to take some formality out of our working hours and get things done anywhere. However, if we are to be productive, it is important that we have a specific workplace.

It will help our mind to create a divide between family routine and work schedule. And, by stepping into this space, you will understand that it is time to focus on your professional obligations.

A woman teleworking

Make sure you have an organized, clean, bright and well-ventilated environment. If possible, make sure it is a room with doors, to avoid interruptions and distractions. Above all, try to make this makeshift desk welcoming, so that you can concentrate.

Set up childcare and telecommuting schedules

Having a routine is important for our well-being and for our productivity. If we don’t schedule, we’ll end up trying to multitask, interrupted and interspersed. And that will only give us more time to reach our goals or to end up doing everything halfway.

We must therefore determine in advance the times of the day that will be designated for each activity, and try to follow this schedule as closely as possible.

This means that you must try to avoid interruptions from your family while you are working, but also that you must devote your time fully to them when necessary. Defining a schedule will allow you to avoid interfering with some tasks in others, since all will have the time allotted to them.

Get organized

However, it is not always easy to establish and follow schedules because you are not in an office, you are at home and you have to take care of some children. This is why it is very important to organize yourself.

man telecommuting with toys in foreground

If you live at home with your partner or with other adults, try to establish a common schedule. Plan the schedules so that each adult can work with a good peace of mind while the other takes care of the children. Trying to work at the same time can make it difficult because a part of you will always be aware of the needs of the children.

On the other hand, if you are the only adult at home, you can take advantage of your children’s rest hours to take care of your work tasks. Get up before them, work while they are napping or when they are already in bed at night.

And, if that is not possible or sufficient, try to involve the children in the work routine. In other words, explain to them that certain hours are working hours and offer to do their homework while you work. They can also read or do some other quiet activity during these “working hours”.

be indulgent

Above all, be kind and compassionate to yourself. Understand that we are living in an extraordinary situation and that we are making the best possible adjustments. It’s not that big of a deal if your kids are spending a little more time watching TV, if one day your work tasks prevent you from working, or if your dinner is on fire.

We are faced with many demands, and the only way to be successful is to take a step back and reduce the demands on us. Do your best, but allow yourself to enjoy your family and don’t let anxiety take over your days.

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