The Importance Of Good Resolutions For Children – Being Parents

The importance of good resolutions for children

In the days leading up to the end of the year, many people decide to make a list of their New Year’s resolutions.

This practice should not only be reserved for adults: children should also be able to make these good resolutions. They could then get used to thinking about their goals, their motivations and their dreams – in short, everything they can do to improve their life.

It must be taken into account that if children are involved in this exercise, it must be taken very seriously. As fathers and mothers, you have to motivate and support them throughout the year so that they succeed in achieving the goals they have set for themselves.

A child at Christmas.

Aspects to consider before setting good resolutions

In order for children (and adults) not to get discouraged and manage to keep their New Year’s resolutions,  it is necessary that they bring together a series of characteristics:

  • Be realistic. It is not a question of fantasizing about what you can achieve but of thinking with a certain objectivity. For this, children usually need the help of an adult because, during childhood, we tend to be more idealistic.
  • Be few in number. We must create a reduced and limited list of resolutions, specifying only those that we can actually hold in 365 days. This way, it will be easier to be consistent and stay motivated.
  • Adapt to the age of the children. When thinking about and writing New Year’s resolutions, it is fundamental to take into account the level of maturation of the little ones, being aware of what they are capable of doing on their own or not.

Some resolutions children can consider

Here are some of the general New Year’s resolutions kids can make:

  • Put away their toys,  in order to be more orderly.
  • Do more things on your own, in  order to gain autonomy and independence.
  • Help more at home,  to promote the development of responsibility.
  • Devote a little time to homework each day  to improve academic performance.

We can also think of resolutions to make as a family to respect them all together throughout the year. Here are some great ideas:

  • Distribute household chores fairly.
  • Go on more family outings.
  • Devote more time to family communication.
  • Play longer together.

The importance of good resolutions for children

Although it may not be immediately thought of at first, motivating and helping children to write and keep their New Year’s resolutions  is very beneficial for their proper development. Thanks to this wonderful custom, the little ones:

  • Improve their self-esteem and self-  concept.
  • Have more self-confidence.
  • Learn the value of persistence  and consistency.
  • Learn to be  patient.
  • Succeed in being  more responsible.
  • Learn that  every effort is rewarded.

A child who writes down her good resolutions.

In addition, if we consider it as an activity to do with the family, we manage to strengthen the links between the different members of the latter because you have to show a lot of confidence to share your wishes and dreams for the New Year. and express them freely in front of others.

To underline this idea, we can quote the sentence of the doctor Glenn Doman (United States):

So grab some pencils and papers, get your family together around a table, and have a good time writing your New Year’s resolutions! Besides being fun, it will be very enriching and educational for everyone. Remember,  the key is not to write down resolutions, but to do everything possible to keep them.

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