The Influence Of Food On Body Odor – You Are Parents

The influence of diet on body odor

As Ludwig Feuerbach said: “We are what we eat”. And at the same time, we smell what we eat.

In the Evolution & Natural Behavior study, carried out by a group of researchers at Macquarie University, Australia, they identified that  the type of diet determines the smell we give off.

And you, what do you feel?

The function of the skin

The skin is the largest organ we have. Its function is to protect us, help us regulate temperature, store water and communicate with the outside by sensory stimulation. Through the pores, we eliminate toxins in the form of sweat. Hence the importance of promoting the elimination of these harmful substances from our body.

Therefore, it makes sense to conclude that food influences body odor . Indeed, it is linked with what we eat.

Body odor is directly related to the food we eat.

The influence of hormones

Each person emits a very different body odor and this has to do with hormones. This is because it depends on both gender and genetics. As we said, food affects our sweating quantitatively and qualitatively.

In other words,  some can increase sweating and others alter its composition. Which gives it a distinct smell.

Foods that cause an unpleasant odor

Among the foods that cause more sweating are spices because they contain capsaicin. It is this element that gives us that burning sensation.

Consequently, the receptors in the nervous system activate in the same way as in the middle of summer. This is why, when you eat something hot, you notice your body temperature rising.

Red meats

A study published by the Oxford Academic Review  concluded that consuming too much red meat causes the body to put in extra effort to burn fat and gain energy. This therefore makes the perspiration full of toxins  and generates an unpleasant odor.

Refined carbohydrates

There is a direct relationship between people who consume this type of excess product and bad body odor.


Curry, cumin, fenugreek or turmeric give us a very special smell. However, if you like to eat this kind of spice, the smell won’t completely bother you.

Garlic and onion

Beyond their healing properties,  these two foods contain sulfoxides. It is a compound which passes very easily through the tissues and which gives us this so special and unpleasant smell through every pore of our skin.

Garlic and onion give off a peculiar and unpleasant body odor.


There is a metabolic disorder called trimethylaminuria which causes a strong rotten fishy smell. This is because people who suffer from it are unable to process the substance released by the fish during the decomposition process.

Foods that promote good body odor

The previously mentioned Evolution & Natural Behavior study also found that  people who consume more fruits and vegetables have a much milder, even floral, scent. 

Pineapple and orange promote a more pleasant smell. While green leafy vegetables – thanks to the chlorophyll they contain – act as a natural deodorant.

Some tips for good body odor

  • Add probiotics to the diet:  they stimulate the digestion of toxins, thus reducing the smell of sweat.
  • Mint and cardamom:  they help the digestive system and bring a fresh smell to the body.

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